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Sunday, March 26, 2017

Berlin MSP: St. Patrick's Weekend Saturation Results


  1. They spend our money on such stupid $#!+. A mobile breathalyzer? Looks more like a $200k truck with at least $50k in retrofitting to do the same thing as the equipment we bought that's sitting at every one of these departments barracks. I care less about the guy who has a couple two many on St Patty's than about being constantly robbed by my own government. If you are afraid of DUI drivers on St Patty's day, stay off the road. A quarter of a million dollar machine that will be used 2 or 3 times a year, and sold after 5 years for a couple grand so then they can buy a new one. My wife and I have put off having children for years because of money, maybe it's time the Stormtroopers and all the rest of the useless government entities put off buying new toys for a few years.

  2. Protect and collect.

  3. Good job MSP! Very strong work here. Give me a break 8:05, you have got to be kidding me right. You bring up not being able to have kids cause of taxes? I think your being a little dramatic. I'm just glad no kids were hurt as a result of these 9 people getting behind the wheel after too many. Again, MSP thank you for working hard and making a difference!

    1. Strong work from TRAFFIC AGENTS.

  4. very important life saving job.

  5. Great program. Please keep up the good work and get the drunks and law breakers off the street.

    1. I bet you have had your fair share of drinking and driving ? Hypocrite.

  6. How 'bout directing some energy toward the prescription painkiller epidemic?
    If any LE types are reading this blog, how about supplying the stats on how many people have died in this state from OD's on Oxy' and the like, compared to how many people have died from drunk drivers?
    Both situations are equally bad, but this painkiller thing is getting way out of control very, very quickly.

    1. BC That takes using your brain.

    2. 18k in heroin overdose in the year. 88k alcohol related deaths.

    3. 1:05 you need to compare apples to apples.. The argument is about DUI enforcement. Your 88k number is alchol related deaths as a whole. Not alcohol related crashes that cause death. That number is only a little under 11k for 2015 according to NIHTSA

    4. Only? Think the victims would feel different

    5. 127 are you serious? 11,000 people are dead and you say ONLY?! Wow just wow.

    6. Oh for Kriss Sake..... just Ban Cars......problem solved

  7. I'm with 8:05, to much money being spent on foolishness like this. Drunks can be taken somewhere else to be tested.

  8. If MSP and local cops put as much effort into stopping gang violence, drug dealing and other crimes in Salisbury as they do in DUIs, this whole area would be a much safer place to live.

  9. the msp and local police are too scared to go in the crack neighbors they rather mess with the older white crowd and young teenagers

  10. Thanks for wasting my tax dollars

  11. How about the fools doing drugs dont get help i'am so tired of people and media talking about od's Here is a novel idea take responsibiliy and get help for the drug addiction.i think it is a way to thin tha herd.

  12. Wonder how many meals for Meals on Wheels would be bought for what that 'truck' cost. Funny how Liberals don't bitch about this waste of money but are so addicted to the federal crack aka tax money that like crack whores, they can't stand to see 3.3% of the MOW budget taken away to pay down the extravagant debt our country has created in expenditures such as this fancy schmancy truck.

  13. Awesome work, keep it up!

  14. lmao the kops got a new toy and cant wait to try it out! what a f'n waste of taxpayer money! what's the mater barney dealers and thugs got you running scared? so hang out on rt 50 and play badass! what a joke you are!

  15. Good Job?
    On what?
    5% were a DUI
    1% were drugs
    and they justified the rest with citations for worn out wiper blades and broken headlight?

    Stats like these further justify that this is nothing more than a waste of taxpayer dollars.

    1. you forgot......need air in your tires, and your winshield needs washing citations...

  16. Just a sad waste of tax money. The same can be accomplished with tools provided in a patrol car.

    1. that takes brains..........................c' mon..give these Harry Kushsners a break...

  17. Outstanding work!!!! Keep nailing those drunks.

  18. "Its not how fast you mow - its how well you mow fast." Love that John Deer slogan.

    1 day til Spring and we can officially turn back on our resort slogan - "Welcome back to the ONLY beach in MD where there's a bar on every street corner!"

    2nd biggest city in the summer is OC. Also 2nd biggest consumption of alcohol during the summertime! Remember - NO cussing on the boards and definitely NO ciggy butts either!

    yeah, I suppose my St. Patties hangover has contributed to my sarcasm!

  19. Great job, keep up the good work officers.

  20. 6:03 yes I stand by my comment, to which you obviously have issues comprehending.

    There are better way to deal with this issue than a 5% waste of time. How much money was spent with this charade?

    This could have been better accomplished it a patrol car was sitting outside a bar and picking them off than inconveniencing 199 people to catch 9.

    Your stupidity is wow, just wow.

    1. I have a problem with you referring to 11k American deaths as "only".


  21. 20 cops could have sat in front of 20 bars and picked off 20 people. How many did it take to host this ridiculous party?

    Total waste of time and taxpayer dollars

  22. LEO could nab more than 9 DUIs after any fundraiser or golf tournament with alcohol held at the local country clubs, Elks, Moose, fire depts. or parks. Brew River must have some great connections because you never hear of checkpoints on W. Main/Fitzwater especially after the boat docking. They don't and won't. Too many politicos and big $ people. No need for a mobile command/dui super truck.

  23. The police need to obey the same laws we do. How many troopers have been stopped for drunk driving and were let go with no charges? They are no better than we are.


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