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Tuesday, March 14, 2017

WCSO Press Release - Mar.14, 2016

Incident: Assault
Date of Incident: 13 March 2017
Location: 400 block of Oriole Place, Salisbury, MD
Suspect: Donald Lee Smullen, 57, Salisbury, MD
Narrative: On 13 March 2017 at 9:23 AM, a deputy was in the process of conducting an eviction in the 400 block of Oriole Place in Salisbury when the soon to be evicted tenant, Donald Smullen, began displaying signs of dissatisfaction with the process. Smullen appeared upset, began yelling disparaging profanity laced comments about his landlord and said that he was not leaving. During the commotion caused by Smullen, he threw hot coffee on the deputy.
The deputy informed Smullen that he was under arrest to which Smullen informed the deputy that was incorrect, that Smullen was not under arrest as Smullen attempted to pull away from the deputy.
The deputy assisted Smullen onto the hood of the patrol vehicle at which point he was placed in handcuffs.
Smullen was transported to the Central Booking Unit where he was processed and taken in front of the District Court Commissioner. Smullen was initially detained on a temporary commitment due to being recalcitrant.
The eviction was successfully completed following Smullen’s arrest.
Charges: Assault 2nd Degree and Disturbing the Peace 

Incident: Assault
Date of Incident: 10 March 2017
Location: 200 block of Harford Road, Salisbury, MD
Suspect: Hunter William Davis, 29, Salisbury, MD
Narrative: On 10 March 2017 at 9:25 AM, a deputy responded to a reported domestic related disturbance at a residence in the 200 block of Harford Road in Salisbury. Upon arrival, the deputy met with a visibly upset female subject who informed that deputy that she was embroiled with Hunter Davis in an argument over a pack of cigarettes and that argument escalated to a physical confrontation. According to the victim Hunter Davis assaulted her during the argument. The deputy observed indications of injury to the victim that corroborated her account.
The deputy placed Davis under arrest and transported him to the Central Booking Unit where he was processed and taken in front of the District Court Commissioner. Following an initial appearance, the Commissioner detained Davis in the Detention Center in lieu of $5,000.00 bond.
Charge: Assault 2nd Degree

Incident: Assault
Date of Incident: 10 March 2017
Location: 6000 block of Diamondback Drive, Salisbury, MD
Suspect: Jeffrey Michael Carbone, 43, Salisbury, MD
Narrative: On 10 March 2017 at 3:39 PM a deputy responded to a residence in the 6000 block of Diamondback Drive for a reported domestic related altercation. According to the victim in this case, she engaged in an argument with Jeffrey Carbone after she found him passed out from apparent inebriation when he was supposed to be watching their child. The victim stated that Carbone pushed her down and away from the door when she tried to leave with the child. Carbone then allegedly grabbed the victim’s car keys and threw them at her, striking her in the head.
After seeing signs of injury that corroborated the victim’s account, the deputy placed Carbone under arrest. Carbone was transported to the Central Booking Unit where he was processed and taken in front of the District Court Commissioner. Following an initial appearance, the Commissioner detained Carbone in the Detention Center in lieu of $5,000.00 bond.
Charges: Assault 2nd Degree and False Imprisonment

Incident: Wanted Subject
Date of Incident: 10 March 2017
Location: 6000 block of Friendship Road, Pittsville, MD
Suspect: Tiffany Leigh Abitua, 27, Pittsville, MD
Narrative: On 10 March 2017 at 7:56 PM a deputy responded to a residence in the 6000 block of Friendship Road for the purpose of locating a wanted subject, Tiffany Abitua who was supposed to be there. Upon knocking on the door, the deputy was initially informed that Abitua was not there. The deputy was able to refute that since he had already seen Abitua through a window sitting in a recliner watching television.
Abitua was wanted on two bench warrants that were issued after she failure to appear for a CDS and a Prostitution case.
The deputy placed Abitua under arrest and transported her to the Central Booking Unit where she was processed and taken in front of the District Court Commissioner. Following an initial appearance, the Commissioner released Abitua on Personal Recognizance.
Charge: Failure to Appear


  1. White people hold this L

    1. And the race card gets played in the first comment, wow!

  2. I like the wording: "the deputy ASSISTED Smullen to the hood of his patrol car"
    I'll remember that the next time I ask for assistance.

  3. Ok so maybe this is a stupid question - but if you have to issue a WARRANT because someone FAILED to appear, why RELEASE THEM? Do you seriously think they will show up next time?

  4. Funny, anytime a woman makes a claim....the male gets arrested and posts a large bond....The system is sexist in decision making....I had a personal account during divorce, that the seperated wife was going to kill me...She told the Judge she was going to kill me, and I had her diaries to substantiate her verbal admission...The deputies and Judge were like HO-HUM...she walked out of court...I stand in amazement at the discrepancies in Justice and the favortism towards violent women or women in general...

    1. they want to be treated equally .... except when they don't

  5. "the deputy assisted Smullen onto the hood of the patrol vehicle" .... Such a considerate young man

    1. That was my favorite line. The whole thing has me cracking up.

  6. 2:34 its a little different when there are signs of an altercation. Men can call for a domestic on their wife too. Show proof she hit you and she gets locked up. Most people don't

  7. Hope Smullen has enough for bail. His stuff will sit outside his evicted home for 48 hours and then can be hauled away by the city trash. I'm sure there isn't anything good out there, not anymore at least, but maybe he was intentionally looking for a free place to stay.

  8. Criminal or not, the WOO is an almighty powerful entity!!!!!! Men stand at the throne, while she sits on it.

    Very curious Confucius says, very curious INDEED!!!

    Sometimes its just best to leave it the hell alone too - regardless what Confucius says!!!!!

  9. They all look like candidates for Mensa...schedule IQ testing!

  10. OMG! Smullen is sooooo sexy! I can't believe I've missed meeting him all my life! Mr. Smullen, PULEEEEEZE call me! I have a great apartment I'd LOVE to share with you! Please contact me ASAP!

    Jim Ireton


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