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Sunday, March 19, 2017

Virginia Woman Charged With Welfare Fraud For Collecting Benefits While Husband Earned Millions

An Arlington woman was arrested this week and charged with four counts of welfare fraud for collecting over $100,000 in benefits – all while her husband was a high-earning attorney in D.C., police say.

Police say a six-month investigation into Helen Agbapuruonwu, 41, found that the mother of four had collected benefits like food stamps and Medicaid assistance for the past six years.

While Helen was collecting benefits, her husband, Fidelis Agbapuruonwu, was earning $1.5 million per year as a lawyer, according to court documents obtained by News4.

In 2001, Fidelis received the prestigious Paul and Daisy Soros Fellowship which helped pay his way through law school.

Fidelis’ LinkedIn page claims he works for the D.C. firm of Mayer Brown, but today the firm said he no longer works there. Court officials believe Fidelis, a Nigerian immigrant, has “fled the country and is somewhere in Africa.”



  1. Great news....go get them President Trump.....one of the reasons they are are rioting.....bc of their fraud involvement

  2. They won't have to look far! This happens all over the United states! Many right here in Salisbury, and guess what report them for fraud and nothing happens!

    1. That's because the person you are reporting them to is their cousin/aunt/uncle/brother from another mother.

  3. Say it ain't so....I fault the agency that let this happen as much as the defendant. Both are ignorant.

  4. She's just gaming the system...like Trump does with his taxes...it's just SMART!

    1. 2:46 What a fool. She was breaking the law. What laws did Trump break?

  5. @2:36 You're right but you forgot the fact that they are also LAZY!!!!!

  6. Yeah, the people that dole out the benefits in the agencies want to keep their jobs, so they just keep giving and giving.

  7. Mmm could be related to obama.

  8. Illegals get more than legals

  9. reminds me of one of the attorneys at the public defender's office, did not even have her Maryland Bar license!

  10. Nigerian??

    I've never heard of any Nigerian con men or scam artists.
    Well, I DID hear, this one time, about this Nigerian prince who had some millions tied up in a frozen bank account.....

  11. By African imagants! Hope you get ebola.

  12. There are thousands more out there that haven't been caught yet.


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