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Sunday, March 19, 2017

Salisbury Misfits


  1. It is a nation-wide problem not just a Salisbury problem. Why do you always want to cut us down? Your attitude is unfavorable to winning the friendship of area residents

    1. ST.U Snowflake.

    2. Whats the problem 1st actaully elected president by the people sounds like problem is you whatch too much media if you didnt you would no trump is on peoples side he said hes gonna drain the swamp and thats exactly wht hes doing people werent like this when oboma was reaming you or wasnt protest against 1 of biggest liars cheat crook hillary so nation wide problem come on with the bs joes just setting these retards straight salisbury misfits look at the facts tried to get vendors w o permit shut down said she worked at a job and didnt said it was a typo so cut us down comment naming your people salisbury misfits is cutting u down right from get go

    3. Please consider using punctuation in the future. It makes getting your meaning much easier. BTW, point taken.

  2. 7:30, LMAO! Thanks for the laugh, seriously. By the way, you are not my friend. I have plenty, thank you.

    1. Wow you hurt there feelings joe come on nationwide problem i just peed a lil also lmao sbymisfits more like salisburys mental patients

  3. Ugh your small minded hate is blurring your vision. Have you nothing better to do than argue with people? Oh and you are welcome for the traffic! I was just checking to see if you still love us. Clearly you do. Salisbury Misfit.

  4. Ditto, Joe! LOL! This idiot doesn't even fathom that Trump is a "Nationwide" president! HA! I guess some liberals are more clueless than the others...

  5. God help us if there ever was an invasion of our country.

  6. Maybe I've been missing it all these years. It is now obvious to me that all Liberals want to do is make friends. They don't want to disagree. They just want everything to be rainbows and unicorns. No wonder so many are turning gay.

  7. Some call for a Rachel Maddow? (snicker snicker)

  8. This would have been just as effective with the comments turned off.

  9. Wow! 7:30 PM and 7:40 PM (If they are different people) seem to have a wild hair up their A$$!


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