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Thursday, March 23, 2017

Trump Has To Tweet To Bypass A Dishonest Media Establishment

According to Politico, a study done by Media Research Center found that 91% of the news about President Trump on the three major networks was negative to him. The Harvard Kennedy School’s Shorenstein Center found that during the presidential campaign, the major media outlets were negative towards Trump 77% of the time. The IBD/TIPP poll reported that 55% of Americans said they had less trust in the media as a result of the 2016 campaign coverage. Finally, the Media Research Center/You Gov Poll conducted on November 9th found that 70% of the responders did not feel the news media was honest and truthful.

Much has been said about the ‘Three Horsemen,’ united against Trump: the Media, Hollywood, and the Democratic Party. So I ask you this question, “If the Three Horsemen are against Trump, then who is defending him against this massive attack? Republicans? No, the only person that is defending Trump is Donald J. Trump himself.

Tweeting gives him a platform in which to respond and defend his actions and positions to the American people. Think back to Bush 43 and the attacks he went through just getting elected and even more so after the September 11 attack. The media pummeled him and he never responded. I think the best person to defend what you believe is you. Both Bush 41 and 43 rarely responded to media attacks and other onslaughts while they were president and they have been very restrained since they left office, unlike Bill Clinton and former President Obama.


1 comment:

  1. I've had it with the MSM in general, and it's going to show in how I spend and on what products I buy.
    Do advertisers think that buying air time and print space in support of the endless Trump bashing and wholesale dishonesty will forever go by unnoticed by the buying public? If they do, they're delusional.


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