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Thursday, March 23, 2017

BREAKING: Chuck Schumer: Democrats Will Filibuster Neil Gorsuch’s Nomination

The top Democrat said his party will insist that the president’s Supreme Court pick be confirmed with at least 60 votes.

WASHINGTON ― Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer (D-N.Y.) announced Thursday that he will vote against President Donald Trump’s pick for the Supreme Court, adding that Democrats will also demand that Neil Gorsuch get at least 60 votes to be confirmed.


  1. Nuke 'em now - the next one (Ruth Vader Dimsburg) will be so much easier to replace!

    Thanks Harry!

  2. Nuke em and get it over with. That'll shut them up! And they can thank good old Harry Reid for it.

  3. Thats ok because when ginsberg retires we ill put on another republican Without them so F them.

  4. I suppose they can try this if they want, but everybody can see how really stupid they are acting.
    I believe it will backfire on them, and as always, they will say the problem was 'poor messaging'.

  5. Chuck-U Schumer strikes again! Is it me or does he look like a character out of the Munsters? Every time he opens his mouth, it is just like Pelosi, Waters, and Feinstein opening their mouths, gibberish. They babble in lockstep!

  6. Liberalism is a MENTAL disorder.

  7. Chuckie Cheeeezze. Primeo example for the neeeeeeeeeeeed of term limits!

  8. Nuke must be what they want. Give it to them

  9. They do want the nuke. They probably think it will help in the 2018 elections. They still have not figured out why they lost repeatedly since 2008 elections. I have never had so much fun watching the left.


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