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Sunday, March 12, 2017

Supreme Court won’t say if trans teen can pick bathroom

WASHINGTON (AP) — The Supreme Court is leaving the issue of transgender rights in schools to lower courts for now after backing out of a high-profile case Monday of a Virginia high school student who sued to be able to use the boys’ bathroom.

The court’s order in the case of teenager Gavin Grimm means that attention now will turn to lower courts around the country that are grappling with rights of transgender students to use school bathrooms that correspond to their chosen gender, not the one assigned at birth.

The appeals court in Richmond, Virginia, and other appellate panels handling similar cases around the country will have the first chance to decide whether federal anti-discrimination law or the Constitution protects transgender students’ rights.



  1. Outlaw these wrongful Trans -operations = Problems Solved !!

  2. Why do we feel the need to legislate this. If the kid can pass as a boy (and from that photo, he/she can) let him/her use the bathroom he/she wants to use. Jesus-H-Christ. What's the big deal?!?!

    1. If he as born with a penis he has no business in a female bathroom and vise versa. Just because you "think" you are the opposite sex doesn't make it true. And per studies at Johns Hopkins it is a mental disorder

  3. This country is being RUINED .... Anything goes now !!!
    Feel sorry for the kids coming up in the future !!

  4. I think I are a engineer, now i are one.

  5. He ain't got no neither none ...

  6. Take this Freak out to the woodshed like my dad did, end of this crap really fast.

  7. This kid needs serious mental health help! He is so messed up in the head, it is dangerous. They need to lock these nutcases away!

  8. Went to a resturant in Ocean City...they are with Obama times...Transgender or unisex bathrooms there.....I said....eeewwwwwwwww

    1. And what restaurant would that be?

  9. Look down
    Pull belt line out
    See package? BOYS ROOM
    No package? GIRLS ROOM

    Problem solved

  10. Go to and stay in Russia and use Their bathrooms !!!

  11. No Federal Funds for Trans operations !!!

  12. I don't care how fat and ugly she is, she can't use the boy's bathroom.

  13. I was confused at a restaurant when I had to choose between steak or chicken. But this person is really confused......

  14. I know a trans guy that works in the school system and end last school year as Mr. and came back this school year as Miss.


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