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Sunday, March 12, 2017

Baltimore City Council Gives Preliminary Ok To $15 Minimum Wage

The Baltimore City Council Monday night gave preliminary approval to a bill that would raise the city's minimum wage to $15-an-hour by 2023.

The vote was 12-3, with a final vote expected in two weeks.

Under the bill there would be gradual increases in the minimum wage starting in 2019. Until then, the city would be tied to the state minimum wage which is currently $8.75 an hour, but will increase to $9.25 an hour in July, and $10.10 an hour in July, 2018.

Workers under 21 would be exempt from the higher minimum wage.


  1. Hey here come the kiosks machines and higher unemployment. Democrats are so friggin STUPID!!! Count on higher prices / Increase on all goods for us working types!!

  2. Hey here come the kiosks machines and higher unemployment. Democrats are so friggin STUPID!!! Count on higher prices / Increase on all goods for us working types!!

    1. and less dem union jobs lol shoot in da foot in daBury bang bang.

  3. Thought they had a problem with unemployment in Baltimore

  4. Replies
    1. Thank a Pro Union Dem ? lololol.

  5. Jobs gone in baltimore.

    Can you hear that big sucking sound?

    You STUPID dumbocrats just don't frigging get it. Look at Venezuela where the leftist government has taken over all free markets with government controls. Look what it does.

    You want to know what the REAL minimum wage should be? Zero!
    You get paid what your worth.

    1. Welfare thugs dont want to work Anyway.

  6. Can you say automation

  7. So much for kids getting after school and summer jobs.

    1. Dems are shortning the union employees min by min gtreat work dems your peeps are coming to the Republican side ....)

  8. Don't people realize that prices one everything
    will sore upwards and people will be no better
    off then when they were making $8-$10.00
    per hr.
    God help those on Social Security!! For
    certain their cks won't increase to keep
    up with the inflation!

  9. And when HALF of the Thugs get fired for AUTOMATION i will laugh my A.. Off.give em $50 hr.

  10. Baltimore is assuring that all unskilled labor positions will be filled by people under 21, and that they will be replaced when they turn 21. Unskilled labor 21 or older will be unemployed, as the market will not hire them. Higher wages without any increase in productivity are not worth it to the employer.

  11. New at McDonaulds
    1 mgr $30 hr
    2 workers $15 hr
    10 automation units.priceless.......

  12. This will show those people in Baltimore that this is what they get for Voting for Democrats in their city council and mayor. Jobs will Completely Disappear after the prices go up, and then Nobody will have a job except a few Government Workers. But where will the taxes come from DemonRATS? Did anyone THINK of that before they made this change?

    Oh, what am I saying? THINKING is in short supply in the DemonRAT party.

  13. Thanks for the good news. It's highly important to raise minimal wage in Baltimore and I'm glad that the changes will be made soon, however, we'll notice significant changes only in 2023. The more important thing is the jobs to be available in Baltimore. If there are no jobs, minimal wage increase hardly can help. I know that many people still use quick loans service on the web to stay afloat. Thus, it would be great to improve the job market first.


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