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Friday, March 17, 2017

SPD Press Release - (Fatal Pedestrian Hit and Run Investigation) 3-17-17


  1. This is going to sound harsh but here it goes. I have had multiple encounters with pedestrians walking or in someway in the roadway at night. Every person had absolutely no reflective clothing or clothing too dark to see until I was almost on top of them. Now I don't know the reason or circumstances of this case but people have to realize being on the roadway at night is dangerous and the state doesn't make it better drilling it into people's heads pedestrians have the right of way. It may be the law but it doesn't do squat against a car smearing you all over the road. People need to be smarter and stay out of the roadway if possible and wear something brighter than black or dark clothes if possible.

  2. Probably a drunk headed for the bypass the back way to avoid rt. 13. There should be cameras at the bypass on/off ramps.

  3. Probably becasue it was a cop drinking and driving or wanted someone killed... Usually the main reason to cover it up and unless it has to do with the NO CRIME IN SBY that Gay Jake day says and refuses to let others say, like on the radio interview he gave...NO no lets not talk about crime, we don't want people knowing there is crime...

    1. Mr. Anonymous, what you’ve just said is one of the most insanely idiotic things I have ever heard. At no point in your rambling, incoherent response were you even close to anything that could be considered a rational thought. Everyone in this room is now dumber for having listened to it. I award you no points, and may God have mercy on your soul..

    2. Apparently you watched Billy Madison when it was on TV last weekend. Good use of quotes.

  4. Says something about white car better check police dept cars they threw there slot.

  5. Who's walking at that location at that hour? There are no residences or eating/drinking establishments for a mile.
    Not saying it was her fault, but something seems amiss. Sounds like contributory negligence.

  6. Hope they find something

  7. I was driving around midnight in salis. and the way some of these idiots drive around there it's no surprise someone gets run over. What is surprising is that there are not MORE accidents in that area. A lot of drivers around that area have limited to no skills, the same for patience, and a disregard for other people.

    I hope they find this person and nail him to the wall.

  8. Does Salisbury even HAVE a police dept? I almost never see them patrolling any streets. Two nights in a row I've been driving around Salisbury and fear for my safety from drivers.

    They obviously can't see past the end of their noses and insist on tailgating everyone in front of them. If they would just look a few feet further up the road they might see that the car in front of them is following another car and can only go as fast as the one in front.

    WTH does one have to do around here? Be a road raging rambo and just start shooting the idiots? That's not a very good idea since I have yet to meet anyone worth me going to prison for.

    I don't want to criticize cops but jesus h. get it together. At least pretend you're interested in your job and ride around and be seen now and then.

  9. I don't want to criticize cops but jesus h. get it together. At least pretend you're interested in your job and ride around and be seen now and then.

    March 17, 2017 at 11:00 PM

    I saw one of Salisbury's finest this evening before the overhead bridge. He was tailgating the car in front of him all the way to the centre until the car finally got out of the left lane. Then the cop floored it. Maybe he was heading home to De.?

    If COPS tailgate, is it any wonder the OTHER idiots tailgate too?


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