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Friday, March 17, 2017

Animal Activists Roast Themselves at Hollywood Blvd Trump Protest


  1. Just another bunch of idiots repeating what they have heard from other people as opposed to actual facts. And if someone actually demonstrates to them that they are wrong they resort to name calling.

  2. As long as they stay in California I don't give a rats patoot!

  3. Los Angeles is the pit of the country.

  4. Some of these people in Southern California smoked a lot of Mexican weed while their brains were still developing and are now, as adults, showing us the kind of permanent and debilitating brain damage that it can wreak on the teenaged mind. Smoke that weed when you're in your teens, kids, and this is how you'll turn out.

  5. they are the animals. don't rank with the 4 legged animals. (map)

  6. What a gaggle of the witless and uninformed.


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