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Wednesday, March 22, 2017

REMINDER: Second Annual Spring For A Vet This Sunday


  1. Nice idea but the blacks at this lodge hate whites FACT

    1. Sad but very true they are some ignorant people they stare at you and harrass you when uou walk in if your white trust me i went in there a couple of years ago with a white vet friend they are pos but the same treatment would never be like that to yhem at other sites they think there still in vietnam where blacks and whites hated each other.

    2. Sorry i was talking about the "Black" legion on Rt 50 they are a Disgrace and need to be Investigated.

  2. The Black American Legion on 50 west is the same way. They treat you like "S!!T. They are a very ignorant racist Legion I have been in. They also don't operate under the statutes and by-laws.

    1. call there main HQ.

    2. PS there should be no such thing as a Black lodge they have done this on porpose and there HQ should close the racists up.

  3. This is a great fund raiser. I will not be going because of the leadership of the Moose. They have alienated and drove good members out. They are not a welcoming organization. I am speaking as one of those many ex-members.

  4. 8:23 Have you ever been to Moose Lodge 654 on Snow Hill Rd???

    Last year was the first Spring for a Vet dinner and it raised quite a bit of money that the leadership at the Moose ensured that they donated for LOCAL VETS. This year will be the same. Support your local Vets!

  5. This is the moose lodge which is another basement no windows Sh..hole.


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