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Thursday, March 23, 2017

Rape focuses critical attention on 'sanctuary' states

The rape of a 14-year-old girl last week in a boys’ bathroom of a Maryland high school, for which two immigrants have been charged, has fueled opposition to officials making the state a sanctuary for illegal immigrants.

One suspect in last Thursday’s attack is 17; the other is 18. Both were enrolled as freshman because of their weak English language skills. The two suspects, who were enrolled in Rockville’s Montgomery High School, are from Central America.

Four days after the rape, Maryland’s House of Delegates passed legislation to join states like California in becoming a “sanctuary state,” affording illegal criminal aliens additional protections and making it more difficult to deport them or ask about immigration status.

That action has infuriated Maryland officials.


1 comment:

  1. The sanctuary state legislation was passed as anti-Trump legislation. Boy, oh, boy, they are having some serious second thoughts about that one. The rape by the illegals has put their legislation in the national spotlight, and not in the way they expected it would. The legislation has been exposed for exactly what it is. It endangers the lives of the residents of Maryland. Like the gun control laws, our politicians pass laws that are not only bad for our safety, but make ordinary law abiding Marylanders victims of crime that the politicians sanction.


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