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Thursday, March 23, 2017

Meals On Wheels Rolls On


  1. Meals on Wheels is a great program for seniors that may not get the right nutrition. However, because of the federal funding they say they have to give out milk, OJ and other things even if you don't want it. When you tell them you don't use the stuff they say give it to your children. Wasteful???? Yes.

  2. Meals on Wheels is great for seniors who are limited in their mobility or finances BUT like all federal programs it has a lot of waste.

    I really really really had to laugh when that socialist Bernie Sanders said HIS mother was going to be worse off because President Trump wants to cut back on federal waste. THIS GUY OWNS THREE HOUSES AND HE CAN'T TAKE CARE OF HIS OWN MOTHER !!! WHAT A JOKE BERNIE SANDERS IS !!!


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