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Friday, March 10, 2017

Pocomoke Seeks Armory Funding

SNOW HILL – Officials from Pocomoke City are seeking the county’s support in an effort to rehabilitate the town’s vacant armory.

When Pocomoke Mayor Bruce Morrison approached the Worcester County Commissioners this week with the town’s annual budget request, he used the opportunity to ask for their help in restoring the asbestos and lead plagued armory. Morrison says it could be revamped and put to use as a youth center.

“We have a problem with the youth in Pocomoke,” Morrison said. “We’ve got to get them off the street.”

Morrison explained that while there was a YMCA in Pocomoke, it was on the opposite side of the highway from most of the town’s residents. It also isn’t an affordable option for many families.

“It’s very expensive,” Morrison said.



  1. The Maryland Historical trust can kiss our collective butts. This building is a sinkhole for money. The asbestos abatement alone would cost over $1.5 million! It would cost a fortune to tear it down and two fortunes to rehabilitate it. The best outcome would be for someone to be in the basement, light a cigarette and toss the match into a pile of oily rags.

  2. They tried this in the 70's with the armory, didn't work then. They tried this in the 80's with the armory didn't work then. They tried this in the 90's didn't work then. Ditto 00's. Now they want to spend more money in the 10's on something that hasn't work 4 times in the past. Typical government thinking. Lets spend more money on things that haven't worked in the past.

  3. The armory is a great old building, with bones meant to stand the test of time. Rehab of this place would be a plus for the community at large in lots of ways.


  4. "Morrison explained that while there was a YMCA in Pocomoke, it was on the opposite side of the highway from most of the town’s residents. It also isn’t an affordable option for many families"

    Ok so let's get the snowflakes cars to get to the ymca and let's just fully pay their way..

    Stop giving the less fortunate free rides.. how about they get jobs and resposabilites...

  5. The county has definitely not addressed the problem of no community centers, but how can they, with no $$? No county on the shore can hold a candle to those on the other side of the bridge when it comes to providing these.

  6. Exactly. No community centers but we have many senior centers that sit empty most of the time. Makes no sense.

  7. They built a "youth/community center" for kids up in Princess Anne and the local kids show their gratitude by vandalizing it frequently.

  8. Crisfield has the same sinkhole when it accepted its armory from the state a few years ago. It's not a money pit, it's a money black hole.


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