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Saturday, March 04, 2017

Peter Schweizer: Trump vs. Clintons' Russia ties (guess who always got a free pass)

While it’s quite legitimate to be concerned about Russian influence in America politics, its rather remarkable to watch the dizzying pace by which people who in the past have expressed little concern about the matter are now suddenly obsessed with it.

There has been plenty of finger pointing at those in President Donald Trump’s orbit about their business ties to Russia.

One time Trump campaign chairman Paul Manafort was an adviser to the pro-Russian president of the Ukraine and involved in business ventures with pro-Kremlin oligarchs.

Former Trump advisor Carter Page had energy deals involving Russian companies.

Former National Security Adviser General Michael Flynn gave a nicely paid speech in Moscow as a private citizen and was less than complete in explaining his conversations with Russian officials. And then there is the simple fact that Attorney General (former senator) Jeff Session, while a member of the Senate Armed Services Committee communicated with the Russian Ambassador as other senators do fairly regularly.


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