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Saturday, March 04, 2017

Bush Family Opposes Trump, Supports Abortion


  1. It is disheartening because I just watched parts of Hannity taking with President George W. Bush reference his paintings and relationship with warriors. He seemed to be the same funny good ole boy.But I am finding myself slip away from "W" with his sudden outburst and clinging onto the bride of the last failed leader. Don't know if he is slipping or upset that his little brother failed the family. Sad

  2. Joe, I'm no bush fan, but disagreeing with someone doesn't make them anti American. Grow up

  3. He may be smarter than we thought.

  4. I guess so 1:28 pm. This family first Bush President got away with murdering John F. Kennedy.

  5. ALL the Bush's are Globalist/New World Order proponents. No longer have respect for them. They Almost succeeded in their grand scheme. I can only thank God that President Trump derailed their evil plan...A Patriot who loves America as a Sovereign Nation.

  6. I liked Bush. I still do. He may hold a differing opinion, but he is not anti american.


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