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Friday, March 31, 2017

OH NO! Illegal Immigrants Are Avoiding Free School Lunches Because They Fear Deportation

Illegal immigrants in Connecticut say they are now scared to sign their children up for free or reduced-priced school lunches because they believe doing so will run the risk of deportation.

Illegal immigrant parents have been calling the Danbury school district offices to ask if federal immigration officials can gain access to the forms they must complete to access taxpayer-funded free lunches or lunch discounts.

District employees say “hundreds” of illegal immigrant parents have expressed concerns in recent months. Most are scared their immigration status could be exposed because of their participation in lunch programs. A few have gone so far as to consider pulling their kids out of school.



  1. they should be. We should not be paying for their lunches. We have poor americans we owe to take care of.

  2. Good, let them be in fear... Watch how much money will be left in the budget after all of this... Since they can't suck it up and since most of the budget goes to help illegals...

  3. How can the illegals afford to live in Connecticut? I thought that was a pretty ritzy state.

  4. If they are here illegally then they should not be receiving anything free courtesy of American taxpayers. Period.

  5. When you are breaking the law you should be scared you will get caught.

  6. Wonderful! We have too many natural born that need that money for help!!

  7. If you are afraid of being busted for being here illegally, signing up to steal food out of my mouth and the mouths of my family should trigger an arrest and immediate deportation.

    Think of it as a cheap ticket back home where you and your children can live and learn in a free, fear free environment.

    You are doing your children no favors being here with them. So, pull them out of school and go turn yourselves in or go home on your own.

  8. Tacoooooooos for everyone.

  9. Good... Round them up!

  10. Surely the kids are eating. This must be some bogus news boo hoo MSNBC garbage

    1. Yeah mexico has surpassed the usa in obesity rates

  11. The good president is only looking for the bad guys. Guess this shows they are hold up in our school system sitting beside your children.

  12. They can afford the lunches. I thought these people worked when they came here? They found out they can get benefits even with the man working. This needs to stop. Our tax money going in the hands of people who snuck into our country????What the hell are these politicians thinking? They are supposed to work for Americans, not illegals.


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