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Friday, March 31, 2017

Liberal Professors Trying to Suppress Scholarly Evidence of Voter Fraud in 2016 Election

A university study appearing to corroborate President Donald Trump's claim that non-citizens voted in the 2016 election is provoking backlash from a group of political scientists who want to discredit both that study and others with similar findings.

The study by Old Dominion University political science professor Jesse Richman and three of his colleagues estimated that millions of non-citizens could have registered to vote in U.S. elections. 90 political scientists signed a letter discrediting that study, according to the Washington Times.

"The scholarly political science community has generally rejected the findings in the Richman et al. study and we believe it should not be cited or used in any debate over fraudulent voting," the letter reads.



  1. The mere fact that these people are absolutely sure that fraud is at absolute zero tells you all you need to know about what to believe!

  2. Ditto that, 5:ll.

  3. It's what college education has become. Ask any retired educator. The current ones don't count, because they've already been corrupted.


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