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Friday, March 10, 2017

OC: Fatal fall from Boardwalk hotel

A woman fell to her death from a balcony of a Boardwalk hotel on Thursday, Ocean City Police said.

Around 2:30 p.m., police responded to a call of a woman who fell from a 10th floor balcony of the Holiday Inn Hotel & Suites on 17th Street and into an empty swimming pool.

Preliminary reports rule the death a suicide, Police Public Affairs Specialist Lindsay Richard said.



  1. Ouch! My friend Chris Beebe from the ESVA runs that hotel. I hope that doesn't affect him mentally.

    1. Why would someone falling to their death from a hotel mentally affect the person who runs it? He wasn't involved. That's like saying "someone was killed in a car accident while driving on a road in California today and, because I drive on roads too, it has mentally affected me". Why does everyone have to make it about themselves or be a victim. The person fell (maybe jumped) and died. It's not anyone else's fault.

  2. She had just gotten out of the hospital for a mental condition. I hope they didn't change her medicines causing her to be suicidal.

  3. 12:00 Sounds like they released her too soon.

  4. It only hurt for a second.

  5. It wasn't the fall that killed her. It was the sudden stop at the end.

  6. The family of the individual that was involved in this tragedy are very dear friends of mine and this is a sad thing to happen. To all the ass clowns that want to joke about it let's just pray that it doesn't visit you and yours


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