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Friday, March 10, 2017

Guess Whose Payroll The “Day Without Women” Organization Is On- It’s Bad…

Billionaire progressive globalist, and all around A-hole, George Soros is rumored to have handed over $246 million to the organizers of Wednesday’s “Day Without a Woman” protests on International Women’s Day.

The Media Research Center commented on the donations:

“Those donations represent just a fragment of Soros’ massive global influence, his Open Society Foundations have given away more than $13 billion to push his globalist, anti-American views.”

Fox News had the report:

Wednesday is “International Women’s Day,” and schools in at least four states canceled classes so teachers and staff members could participate in “Day Without a Woman” demonstrations […]

A report released Wednesday claims that Soros — whose net worth is $25.2 billion and who champions liberal causes — gave millions to groups behind the demonstration.

Of the march’s 544 partners, 100 groups received funding from Soros that totaled $246 million, according to the conservative Media Research Center. Such groups included Planned Parenthood, the Center for American Progress and People for the American Way (PFAW), the report claims.



  1. OK, I was wrong before about running out of money by giving it to all of the BS groups. Just the interest alone on $25 Billion would pay for all of that.

  2. What this is doing is changing women into horrible people and ruining relationships with men.

  3. I thought the Secret Service was good at taking out people??

  4. Eagerly awaiting the news of Soros' death.


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