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Sunday, March 12, 2017

Maxine Waters says debunked ‘golden showers’ accusation against Trump ‘absolutely true’

California Congresswoman Maxine Waters attempted to revive a debunked memo today during an appearance on MSNBC.

Water said she welcomes the appearance of a former British spy who allegedly authored the memo that was breathlessly published by BuzzFeed in January.

“I think they should really read it, understand it, analyze it and determine what’s fact, what may not be fact,” she said.

“We already know the part about the coverage that they have on him with sex actions is supposed to be true. They’ve said that that is absolutely true,” Waters said.

More here


  1. This old, dumb, wrinkled fossil needs to go crawl in a hole and just decay.

  2. Give me a F-ing break. The more they talk the more they show their real colors. They are making themselves look more like they are not for US the people and more for getting their way/money no matter what it takes. Thank GOD for Trump. (map)

  3. Straight jacket please

  4. Aren't you proud of your party dumbocrats?

  5. why does she keep getting re-elected

  6. Can you just believe the ill that is charged to represent the citizenry.

  7. Yes, it's true that they're debunked. Maxine is a victim of 60 years of hair straightening chemical poisoning.

  8. She will be asked to step down after this.

  9. Anyone who voted for her Is an idiot.

  10. It must be something in the Democrat side of the building because all the old Democrat women have lost their collective mind. Look at Pelosi. She thinks she's still trying work under President Bush.

  11. It's California 7:03
    Should I say anything more?

  12. The lunatic is on the path......Gotta keep the loonies off the grass!

  13. What do you expect from her.

  14. She should be put on TV every day. No several times a day so every American can be reminded how smart she is.

  15. When you are that stupid you should keep your mouth shut. Because when you open it and speak you remove all doubt and then everyone knows you are stupid.

  16. Maxine and her side kick Nancy P are smoking way to much of that California weed. It's time for an intervention for those two.

  17. Love her smile. To bad she would have to stand on her head for anyone to see it.

  18. Whack job!

    Retire now, you are making an ass of yourself.


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