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Thursday, March 23, 2017

High School Boy Sues Over Having To Change In Front Of Trans Boy

A Pennsylvania high school student filed a lawsuit Tuesday against his school district after he was forced to share a locker room with a transgender boy.

The lawsuit alleges that the plaintiff, “Joel Doe,” suffered immense embarrassment when a transgender student changed in front of him, reports CBS Philly.

“Joel Doe experienced immediate confusion, embarrassment, humiliation, and loss of dignity upon finding himself in this circumstance,” the lawsuit maintains.

Doe was in the middle of changing into his P.E. clothes when he spotted the transgender boy student in her bra and shorts. The student was still in the middle of transitioning from female to male, Kellie Fiedorek of the Alliance Defending Freedom, explained.



  1. Confusion, embarrassment, humiliation, and loss of dignity?

    Good luck with that.

  2. Good show these freaks we wont take it

  3. Yes good luck with that. I hope he wins.
    I am all male 100%, and don't like this crap.

  4. The parents of this "trans gender" person should be arrested for child abuse or contributing to the deliquesce of a minor

  5. We need a class action lawsuit....that moves faster in the courts.....I bet the school.tries to settle out of court


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