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Thursday, March 23, 2017

Commissioners Face $5M Shortfall Entering Budget Process

SNOW HILL – Worcester County officials are facing a roughly $5 million shortfall as they begin the annual budget process.

County staff presented the Worcester County Commissioners with a requested FY2018 operating budget of $204 million on Tuesday. County revenues in the coming year are expected to reach $199 million, leaving officials with a shortfall of $4,919,840 to eliminate. The commissioners’ first budget work session is scheduled for next week.

“As we go through the budget reconciliation process the difference of $4,919,840 will be balanced either through an increase in revenues, a decrease in expenditures or a combination of the two,” said Harold Higgins, the county’s chief administrative officer.

According to Higgins, estimated revenues will increase roughly $10 million in FY2018. Net property tax revenues will jump $3,148,939 as a result of increased assessments and homeowner tax credits. Income tax revenues are expected to rise by $4.2 million. Other local taxes, such as recordation and transfer, are expected to provide the county with an additional $2.1 million.



  1. Weekly Bake Sales?

    Car Washes?

    Metal Detector fun in OC?

    Anonymous Donations from big pockets? (Hello Leighton? Maybe our new friends..owners of Ocean Downs - i.e., Saratoga and Churchill Downs)

    (snicker snicker...TGIF started a day early. Beautiful day here in OC!)

  2. The problem with government budgets is that they are made up. Most people confuse them with the way they understand the word 'budget'. For most people, budget means something you need to stay within, "We can't afford that, honey...it's not in our budget".
    But, for government, they make them up based on what all their departments' tell them what they want- not need - and the accountants crunch the numbers to help create a never ending escalation of costs.
    So, Snow Hill, change the expenses. Start cutting things. IF YOU DON"T KNOW HOW, CALL 1-800- POTUS for a crash course.

  3. This happens *EVERY* year. There are always more requests for money than money available. In my 65 years in Worcester County they have always solved it just fine. Fake news, there is no problem and there will not be a problem.

  4. How about doing what Trump's budget director is doing-- examine everything that is being done (and why it is being done).

    A lot of it will probably be in the category of "That's What We've Always Done".

    There is probably a lot that can be cut, though it takes character when your other option is to just take more money away from your citizens.

  5. Ocean City is in the parking lot business. The town keeps buying expensive real estate and adding parking spaces to it. And the Mayor & Council continue raising the hourly rates at their existing parking lots. Must be a real money maker.

  6. 5pm - when you FORCE the issue (parking revenue, $50 for the 4th of July inlet) its never a money maker. Hence the constant increases.

    If they would figure out that the hotel industries room prices are too high and that's why there are SOOOOOO many vacancies mid week - then....

    Nope, they will never get it at all. No way, no how. PROVE ME WRONG CITY HALL!!!!!!!!!!!!

  7. they are paying the lowest piggyback tax in the state, so cry me a river! piss off!

  8. Maybe it has something to do with the generous increases to the already overpaid educators in Worcester County.


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