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Monday, March 13, 2017

Hannity to Trump: Purge Obama Holdover ‘Saboteurs’ Before It’s Too Late

Thursday on Fox News Channel’s “Hannity,” host Sean Hannity urged the Trump administration to “purge” the holdovers from the prior Obama administration.

Hannity described them as saboteurs and warned they were”hell-bent” on destroying Trump’s presidency.

"Let’s go back to 1861. President Abraham Lincoln — he created, you know, a team of rivals, a so-called team of rivals, a cabinet of rivals, including adversaries that he ran against in the Republican primary. But while president Lincoln sought to unify his party through cabinet selections, he also executed an extensive government purge. He fired over 75 percent, nearly 1,200 people out of 1,500 bureaucrats that worked in the executive branch who President Lincoln feared could be disloyal.

"It’s time now for President Trump to follow Abraham Lincoln’s example and a fire anyone and everyone who is actively working against him in government. After all, even former president Bill Clinton — he utilized this tactic back in 1993. He fired all 93 U.S. attorneys — all of them...

"..Major leaks, like the ones you see right there on your screen, started just five days after President Trump was sworn into office.

"Now, the explosion of these leaks coincides with a New York Times report that says in his final weeks in office, President Obama revised executive order 12333 which allows the widespread sharing of this raw data collected by American intelligence agencies across 17 government agencies."

More here


  1. WHY hasnt the Washington state atty gen been fired ? the same guy who is doing the Anti trump Refugee ban ???? WHY HASNT HE BEEN FIRED.

  2. Relatively normal procedure here, HANNITY had nothing to do with it! If the media (both sides) keeps salivating at every potential story, Trump will eventually have the big one and Pence will be our next Prez!

    Careful what you wish for Libs...early hindsight says you should let this all play out long-term (4 years)!

  3. WTH is he waiting for!

  4. 1134 weeding takes time. It's not done in a minute, but agree he needs to step up. Thinking he may wait for recess to make appointments because Democrats are being spoiled brats. It's a necessity at this point. Only reason I'm glad they're cutting out in April.

  5. all of the previous administrations appointees should have been dismissed as of noon on january 20, 2017

  6. Purging them and shipping them all to Siberia !!!

  7. I agree they should go not contributing anything with their slant on the election, there are more people who would really contribute, and cleaning up is needed, long over due.


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