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Monday, March 13, 2017

GOP Leadership Undermining the Trump Agenda — Setting Up 2018 Fight with House Freedom Caucus?

This week, Speaker Paul Ryan and House leadership introduced an Obamacare replacement bill. They said it was the culmination of months of discussion and input with members of the GOP caucus in the House. “We listened to our members,” they said, and this was the result.

It turns out that isn’t the case at all. The House Freedom Caucus and conservative groups like Heritage Foundation, Americans for Prosperity, Freedomworks and Club For Growth—among others—came out opposing the plan. And the furor began. What’s being revealed as this plays out is the real challenge it will be to “drain the swamp.” And as the fault lines between conservatives and leadership in the House widen, the Trump agenda is truly at risk.

Paul Ryan in his now famous “PowerPoint Press Conference” sent a message to the House Freedom Caucus and conservative groups. “They don’t understand the reconciliation process,” he said. He drew a line in the sand against to their efforts when he said, “The time is here. The time is now. This is the moment, and this is the closest this will ever happen. It really comes down to a binary choice.”



  1. So...now its our tun to get screwed by the gop leaders because their not really conservative at all, clearly Rino's if you remember anything at all. They dont really want to change this grand ponzi scheme called ACA {obomacare} Because so many in congress have huge investments in it, if it were to change they'd lose money they believe is rightfully theirs, to make off the peasants. This is why its taking so long, this is why its not changing, this is why they've been so complacent, this is why they never murmured a word when it was being passed to start with. These greedy crooks need to be destroyed.

  2. The crap Ryan and his cronies produced is not much of an improvement over the dumbocrat plan already in effect!

    Yes, it keeps the 'stay on the parents plan', the exclusion on preexisting conditions, and ditches the individual mandate.

    No it doesn't get rid of, the government handouts (although it calls them something different), the high costs of getting insurance, the high costs of deductibles, or the exemptions of congress (and other organizations)!

    So, to the elected representatives trying to pass another stool sample...give us what you get - or take what we get!

  3. RINO's Must Go...


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