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Monday, March 13, 2017

Fearful Immigrants Are Offered Anti-Deportation Training

Don't open the front door if immigration officials knock. If you are taken into custody, tell them your name and nothing else. Definitely don't sign anything.

That is some of the advice being given in New York City and around the country at training sessions, put on by advocacy organizations, aimed at helping immigrants living in the country illegally get in as little trouble as possible if they encounter U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement officials.

Called "know your rights" training, the sessions have been pushed by some groups as a way to prepare for a possible crackdown on illegal immigration under President Donald Trump. Similar trainings are scheduled in New Mexico and El Paso.

The idea, organizers said, is to give immigrants guidance on how to legitimately push back against attempts to detain them, mostly using tactics designed to keep agents from learning anything they don't already know.



  1. Yea Train them to Not Come here Illegally anymore !!!

  2. They never had rights they are not legal citizens and lost their chance of having any when they illegally came here they are criminals and liars and continue to steal from our country.

  3. We should train them to accept deportation with haste

  4. I can get them to tell me more, a red hot needle jabbed under the fingernail or in their eye will get them talking real fast!

  5. Who is offering this training? Is is a U.S. agency?

  6. Helping criminals - that is also (and already) a crime.
    Throw these socialists in jail too!


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