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Monday, March 13, 2017

American-Based New Israel Fund Trying to Topple Netanyahu

A recently formed organization called Zazim has begun a campaign to topple Prime Minister Netanyahu. Currently, the Prime Minister is under investigation in two separate cases dealing with gifts that received from a businessman and certain ties and deals he may have had with the Media.

Avichai Mandelblit, the attorney general and a Netanyahu appointee, will be the one who will decide whether to recommend an indictment for Netanyahu. The organization is trying to apply public pressure on Avichai Mandelblit to recuse himself from the current investigation against Netanyahu. Zazim has begun their campaign by hanging up signs near Mandelblit’s house which say: "Mandelblit – Netanyahu’s Bodyguard" and call for him to recuse himself from all aspects of the investigation.

While Zazim tries to appear as a populist movement, in reality it is another arm of the of New Israel Fund (NIF) which is an American based 501(c)3 organization which has been actively trying to undermine Israel’s character as a Jewish state. In 2015, Zazim received a $175,000 grant from NIF, part directly from NIF and the remainder funded by private donors in coordination with NIF.

Zazim presents itself as a “campaigning community for social and political change”, who are united by, “shared values of human rights, social justice, combating racism and the occupation, environmental protection, government transparency and independent media.” In an interview on army radio, Zazim’s executive director, Raluca Ganea, admitted that the organization is "political but not partisan".

The organization may be not affiliated with a certain party, yet the leaders of Zazim and its chief activists are all connected with other radical left wing organizations – also funded by NIF. In the year 2015, the following radical left wing organizations all received grants from NIF: The Association for Civil Rights in Israel ($485,000), Yesh Din ($77,000), Adva Center ($207,000), Mahapach ($77,000).


['New Israel Fund' receives funding from George Soros' Open Society Foundations. --Editor]

1 comment:

  1. And our US Government is letting this organization destroy Israel TAX FREE? So, we're essentially teaming up with Soros to do this? All the while telling us "masses" that we stand with Israel?

    Mr. Trump & Congress, you need to stop this in its tracks!


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