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Sunday, March 19, 2017

FBI: New Evidence From Anthony Weiner Will See Clinton ‘Locked Up For Life’

Anthony Weiner is ready to “sing like a bird” and provide damning information about Bill and Hillary Clinton and the Clinton Foundation in return for the FBI dropping child pornography charges against him, according to sources at the agency.

A Federal Court hearing on March 7 was postponed after FBI agents requested more time to work with Weiner on tying the Clintons and associates to a criminal network involving money laundering, sex crimes with children, child exploitation, pay-to-play through the Clinton Foundation, obstruction of justice, and other felony crimes.

Weiner is currently facing a mandatory 15 year jail term for production of child pornography after encouraging an underage girl to make an explicit sex tape, however prosecutors are willing to drop the charges if he provides information leading to the prosecution of “bigger fish” Bill and Hillary Clinton, key aides and associates.



  1. We can only hope for an appropriate level of justice!

  2. To bad this will just prove to be somebody's wishful thinking.

  3. I can only dream this is true and justice will prevail.

  4. He better get a food taster and only drink bottled water. Hillary would love to take care of this problem.

  5. If true do we believe he will live long enough to tell anything.

  6. Watch crossing the street Anthony.

  7. I believe that after the Clintons have both died of natural causes we will know the whole truth and I will mostly be dead myself by then. And pray that their daughter never takes any office.

  8. I hope she goes down like a lead balloon!
    It's funny that both Clinton campaigns were tainted by a Weiner.

  9. Let's hope he doesn't try parachuting or anything stupid along the way.

  10. 10:41 AM are you kidding? Do you know the truth about JFK?

  11. He will be lucky to live another 6 months.
    Maybe shot in a robbery where nothing is taken. Killed in a home invasion. His car mysteriously runs of the road and explodes. A heart attack.
    This little Clinton thing will just fade away quietly. Like it always does.....

  12. Soon to be a Netflix miniseries.

  13. She will have him taken care of before he can sing anything.

  14. Amazing grace is all to be sang ... At his funeral

  15. I hope all of the Clintons, lies, deaths, corruptions and closet skeletons all come out soon. Maybe the American people can finally see and accept how corrupt the Clintons and there cronies really are.


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