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Thursday, March 30, 2017

Council To Remain In Towing Business After Contractors Outline Concerns; Fees To Increase Significantly To Offset Expenses

OCEAN CITY — Resort officials did an apparent about-face this week and decided to stay in the towing business with the requested increase in fees after an impassioned plea from a couple of different sources to maintain the current policy.

Back in October, a unified private-sector towing industry approached the town’s police commission about a proposed across-the-board rate increase in the fee schedule that has been in place for nearly a decade. The town’s code currently sets the maximum rate for a standard tow at $150, a figure that has remained unchanged since 2008, but the towing companies that work in partnership with the town were seeking a graduated, across-the-board hike by as much as 100 percent in some cases.

For example, the current rate for a standard tow in Ocean City is $150. The companies tow vehicles when requested by private property owners, such as restaurants, hotels and condominiums, for example, and take them to the town’s impound lot at the public works campus at 65th Street. Those whose vehicles were towed then go to 65thStreet, pay the requisite fees and fines and collect their vehicles. The town collects the fees, keeps its portion and remits the lion’s share to the tow companies.



  1. That is why we quit going to OC, giant sucking sound when you cross the bridge.

  2. Joe a few weeks ago you published a post about the WCSO having bought motorcycles. It seems as they have claimed their first victim, one of the deputies went down near the Shorebirds Stadium and has a very bad broken ankle and some other injuries. It is rumored he may have to
    go on disability.

    1. The Sheriffs Deparrment is full of bullies with guns and badges....they regularly violate our Constitution with their flagrant behaviors directed to law abiding citizens.......Mike Lewis is history next election cycle...they need leadership or the County is getting ready to loose a very large lawsuit...The bikes need to be sold at auction ...

  3. Ocean City is also in the parking lot business. OC recently bought the parcel where the main post office is located. Plans to turn it into a parking lot in a few years.

  4. They are doing what they do best....raise fees, fines, taxes, and surcharges.

    I'll bet if someone looks close enough, there's a connection between some poitician and the tow companies.
    Maybe they are not too anxious to be shot in a traffic stop at 2am in Ocean City. Resisting arrest, reachign for something. And the story quietly goes away....
    Keep cheering...

  5. walking, biking, busing and BOATING avoids those pesky towing companies!!!!!!!!!!!


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