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Thursday, March 30, 2017

Advocates, Governor’s Office of Crime Control & Prevention Urge Maryland General Assembly to Act on Crime Victims’ Compensation Bill

New Victim Services Unit Would Increase the Collection and Enforcement of Restitution for Crime Victims

The Governor’s Office of Crime Control & Prevention today called for the Maryland General Assembly to pass HB 1428, which would ensure that victims of crimes who are entitled to compensation receive it in a more efficient and effective manner. A hearing on the bill was held on March 7 in the House Judiciary Committee, but the bill has not yet received a vote.

This departmental bill, introduced by the Governor’s Office of Crime Control & Prevention, would establish a Victim Services Unit in the Office to coordinate state responsibilities concerning compensation programs related to victims, including the collection of restitution and reimbursements for sexual assault forensic evidence examinations (SAFE exams) and other eligible expenses for cases involving rape, sexual offenses, or child sexual abuse. In addition, the bill would consolidate the Criminal Injuries Compensation Board (CICB) from the Department of Public Safety and Correctional Services, and the Sexual Abuse Forensic Examination (SAFE) program from the Department of Health and Mental Hygiene, and place them under the new Victim Services Unit.

“This bill is an integral part of the Justice Reinvestment Act passed last year and signed by Governor Hogan,” said Glenn Fueston, executive director of the Governor’s Office of Crime Control & Prevention. “The bill has the potential to provide an additional $780,000 per year in federal funds that will go directly toward compensating crime victims.”

“House Bill 1428 is our number one priority for this legislative session,” said Roberta Roper, founder of the Maryland Crime Victims Resources Center. “We should do everything in our power to improve the woefully insufficient compensation of victims in Maryland, and we strongly urge passage of this bill.”

Last year, Governor Larry Hogan signed into law the Justice Reinvestment Act (JRA), which required a study of restitution. HB 1428 is a direct result of this study, and the new proposed Victim Services Unit would work to increase collections, enforcement, and accountability of restitution throughout the state. The unit would also coordinate and manage claims for restitution in Maryland, thereby acting as a one-stop shop for victim notification and information regarding restitution.

CICB will maintain a walk-in center in Baltimore City to continue to provide in-person services for victims seeking assistance with crime victim compensation. Upon passage of the bill and the establishment of a new Victim Services Unit office, the Governor’s Office of Crime Control & Prevention plans to retain all current CICB and SAFE employees who want to stay on in their roles.

About the Governor’s Office of Crime Control & Prevention
The Governor’s Office of Crime Control & Prevention serves as a coordinating office that advises the governor on criminal justice strategies. The office plans, promotes, and funds efforts with government entities, private organizations, and the community to advance public policy, enhance public safety, reduce crime and juvenile delinquency, and serve victims.

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