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Sunday, March 19, 2017

America FIRST Budget

A budget that puts Americans first and supports everything Conservatives have promised for decades and never followed through. It's about time!

Any questions?


  1. Taking away from 16/19 departments will not go quietly or quickly.

  2. Common Sense with your CoffeeMarch 17, 2017 at 1:56 PM

    Oh the liberals are all upset along with the globalists (as if there's a difference) because all their money-laundering schemes are being defunded. Looks good to me.

  3. Will Clinton give back the $6B that went missing from the State Department while she was Secretary of State?

  4. 1:56 PM - Not likely. Nor will she return her personal cut from the thieves and friends she gifted with it.

  5. We need increase in nasa and EPA get rid of entire ed dept buh bye

  6. 200 tweet Donald Trump your idea. He reads responses and tweets! Make the suggestion! It's your direct line to him.

  7. Puts Americans first? Do you not see the cuts to Education and Health & Human Services? All part of Trumps plan to keep Americans stupid and subservient

  8. 213 it's time you put your adult pants on. Human Services, Health and Education are the STATE'S responsibility not the Federal Government. You know it wouldn't kill you people to pull out the Constitution every once in awhile and READ the damn thing because you make the most idiotic comments like 213. The Federal government only has to provide a postal service and the military. Anything other than that is cheesecake and subject to be disposed of when times are tight. What part of $20T in DEBT do you not understand? Suck it up, buttercup.

  9. You people need to read up on whats going on in Venezuela. If we dont change anything then we will become them. They just brought the military into bakeries because they were making sweet rolls instead of french bread.

  10. Word 230. Exactly right. Socialism has devastated that country and its ugly when the fallout occurs. Americans always think it could never happen here but it is happening here. Enough for a billionaire to get fed up watching it happen and leave his posh life to put up with abuse, naysaying and death threats to fix it. That should tell a lot of people much right there.

  11. 2:16 you cant honestly believe that lol. Put your vietnam helmet back on and head down to the bunker

  12. 241 why don't you get a calculator and learn how to do simple math equations. You sound like a moron.

  13. By the time it will be too late and full blow world wide down fall by 12 banking family cartel.

  14. I think Agriculture would be very important to keep going since it feeds us. Very few people grow enough of a garden to feed themselves. Food prices could skyrocket and we could starve.

  15. 2:41
    have you ever actually read the constitution and the enumerated powers?

    10th amendment?

    Why don't you get out of your jammies and your mom's basement and read it!

  16. Where are the funds for all the transportation upgrades?

  17. Looks about right.

  18. We all know that Trump is a smart businessman. To get the national debt down you have to make cuts. Also Trump knows there is a lot of wasted money being given out. We have a 20 trillion dollar debt. Cuts need to made but at the same time we have to have money to defend our nation. So I think we should all get behind Trump and support him. We voted him in because we knew things had to change from Obama's disaster. So let's give him a chance to do his job.

  19. I absolutely love this bill.


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