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Sunday, March 05, 2017


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1 IN 17

in Salisbury

"Terrifying as the mother of 3 girls. Salisbury RATES a 2 out of 100.00"

Editors Notes: Imagine what the numbers would be if crime was actually recorded in the proper categories. Yeah, but the Mayor says you and your Family are SAFE. It's no wonder Joe Albero and Salisbury News are so hated, because we deliver the TRUTH. How do you like your chances now citizens?


  1. Maryland as well as the rest of the states should have Constitutional Carry like New Hampshire just enacted. If citizens have the means to fight back and protect themselves, crime will drop. Proven fact that the left/progressive/liberal/socialists won't accept. Tom Goslee

  2. Thanks for the truth Mr. Albero , my family depends on your reports.

  3. Sherriff Lewis actually suggested on WBOC last night if you don't have to go out "late" (whatever that is defined as)stay home. So the solution to the crime problem is for all law abiding citizens to stay locked in our houses at night? I DON'T THINK SO!

    1. Fu.. Lewis and his little gang of malcontent deputies...

  4. And to think Jake Day and Mike Lewis are trying to push their false narratives about the crime situation in this area. They should be fired and never heard from ever again.

  5. Holy *#!@ Batman! Even more reason to carry a gun.

  6. It dosent get any lower....and I dont just mean these numbers. Its down right criminal of Day and lewis to hide /change these facts from citizens and their families. I guess this is what happens when you let the sheriff travel for a living and hire a kid to be the mayor, they really need to step down.

  7. This is very disturbing.. considering that.. what are the justifications REALLY for not being a concealed carry state? I mean we already have hunting laws...

    I wasn't lying when I said I feel safer in some parts of Baltimore County and Philadelphia than in Salisbury.

  8. 12:26 he is a jerk, what about people that work 11-7 and 12-8. I guess they have to quit their jobs or not go out for lunch or coffee.. I wonder is Lewis would pay their families bills.

    1. Lewis runs a gang of Malcontent deputies who randomly violate our Constitution....especially those in the civil cases assigned to serve papers......bunch of bullies is all they are with a gun...

  9. 12:26 PM I saw that and had the same thought. I have to stay in the house because they can't get it under control. SMH

  10. Why can't we walk down the streets at any hour , isn't this the free world ?
    Why can't we walk in African American areas?
    Why can't we live like I did in the 50's and the 60's and the 70's ?
    Why can't I defend myself when attacked by blacks?
    When will the media and the police start recognizing this problem ?
    Why are the majority of the crimes committed by blacks?

  11. Hey Mike Lewis and Fake Day you can FORGET about RE~ELECTION.

    1. I'd rather have Day as mayor than Tilghman or Ireton, hands down.

  12. Those numbers are skewed right? Not everything is being reported properly so its really not a 2 but less correct???

  13. 12:15
    There is a reason why NH can do that and MD can't, it is called demographics.

    93.9% White American (92.3% Non-Hispanic White, 1.6% White Hispanic)
    2.2% Asian American
    1.1% Black or African American
    0.2% Native American/American Indian

    1. The demographics are a, if not the, leading indicator for the probability of crime against person and property. Those numbers have proven accurate here.

  14. Kathie Brittingham phone 410-749-8973March 1, 2017 at 2:01 PM

    I have said it every year that we were getting the wrong facts. Everytime you see a murder in the paper or on the news write down the name on your calendars and see for yourself just how bad the truth is at the end of the year. If we haven't solved the missing some since the 1970's and murders going back to at least that far, what makes anyone think it will change. I inquire every year from the SPD,. State Police, and States Attorney office and get no answers except from JOE ALBERO, JOHNATHAN TAYLOR, & THE WICOMICO COUNTY LIBRARY! I HAVE EVEN SENT THE INFO TO THESE CRIME SHOWS ASKING FOR ASSISTANCE FOR ANSWERS. I Have the folders of info still waiting for help before the families and myself die.

  15. Whats Detroit and Baltimore have in common with Salisbury? Democraps. LOL

  16. Dear Readers,

    This has been coming for at least a decade, and precisely the reason I left so many years ago for Worcester County. By falsifying this information and acting in a disingenuous manner, the Salisbury leadership will successfully drive law abiding, tax paying citizens from the county. Effectively, they are cutting off the proverbial nose to spite their faces. Once they have done so, what tax base will they draw from then?



  17. If Salisbury is so safe lets see Lewis & Day send their wives out alone to just simply get gas. They have nothing to fear right? Any time you have to be elected to a job they are going to hide anything bad.

  18. They say if you don't have to go out stay home but then trying to be sure nobody can carry without extensive bureaucratic nonsense to carry,are the people voting for democrats here that stupid?

  19. I have finally had enough. I can and do carry every day when in Salisbury. I think it is time to run and I have the resume' to win; MS-HRM, 40+ years in Law Enforcement and graduate of the FBI National Academy. I will post my name as the time nears.

    1. 3:17 🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄

  20. I been in police work for a long time. Law enforcement has stopped going into the communities and getting to know the people in there area. All police due is traffic, traffic,traffic. Community policing is 101 guys. I don't know why our leaders haven't figured this out. Get out of your police cars and talk with people, you will be surprised what you will learn. Obviously more traffic stops for salisbury isnt working.

    1. The deputies cannot get out of the cars.....they are eating donuts all the time....bunch of bullies

  21. 3:17, And you Sir will have my support and you will win. Jake is just a boy in a man's world. The camera is not a vote.

  22. Let ur wife out lewis at 3 am downtown ? Hypocrite much little man.

  23. 12:26, think of it as "Reverse Jail". You stay locked up while the thugs roam free. If they can't get to you, Wicomico will remain "Crime Free!!!!!"

    1. But honestly they can takes a dollar now days 2 get there cell home address its not hard so forget letn therr people out wen it happens 2 the kinfolk and they get pissed because they cant find em there fault period

  24. 4:34 PM based on.....? Bike paths? Ability to build section 8 housing? Usage of a camera and social media?

    I do not see where he has accomplished anything worthy or significant.

    1. They cant even find people who stole xmas trees in downtown come on there a joke the spd is a joke if i had all the tools given no brainer use those tools instead of trying to make a story getn tired of these politics and peoples bs

  25. 5:29 PM - name something positive that Ireton did in 8 years, other than put a few stainless steel filters on storm water drains. Same for Tilghman in her 12 years, other than suck up to favored developers, landlords, insurance and real estate buddies and her husband's legit and shadowy business partners, and lie right and left about crime (there are no gangs), the waste water treatment plant (illegal dumping, illegal sludge storage, an unproven WWTP design that cost $60,000,000, but will cost $90,000,000 to replace and garnered hundreds of thousands in state fines), and millions in developer reimbursements that were not required by law.

  26. 8:48 PM I fail to understand your point. I never said I liked Ireton. But I also noticed you have failed to mention anything of significance that Day has accomplished.

  27. 5:22 PM with a 1 in 17 chance of being a victim of property crime, staying at home isn't that much of a bargain either.

  28. 1007 they don't want to find the guys who sole the Christmas Trees because that's too hard of a crime to investigate. Anything more taxing than the generic traffic stop is just too much for some. I'm all about the police and supporting them but SPD has proven they do not have leadership required to get crime under control. Maybe it's time for the Feds and DOJ to step in and take the bull by the horns.

  29. Ask yourself why do Day and others Lie about crime? The answer is Sailsbury University. Nothing would hurt worse then reaching colleges that you send your children to and seeing how unsafe they would be. Just think if you Google sailsbury university and you saw the TRUTH would you send your kids to live there?

    1. 100% correct its ALL about SU.$$$$$$$$$$$

  30. In my opinion, it's NOT all about SU. I'd point the finger at ECI and the release of prisoners into Salisbury. This is how all the gangs got started. By law, prisoners are NOT allowed to be released into Somerset County. They should send them back to Baltimore where most of them come from, or whatever other town they came from. Their families move here, (Salisbury) while incarcerated and have a home to go to when they get out. I have been preaching this for more then 10 years. Sheriff Lewis and Chief Duncan had no idea this was a fact. However, they investigated what I had told them and found out I was 100% correct, yet YOU never hear about this elsewhere in the media.

    All these leaders need to do is confront the Governor and demand prisoners be sent back to where they came from.

  31. Please consider exposing other local towns who hide info.

  32. 7:46 organize it and we will sign

  33. I would like to see the statistics on where these criminals were born and raised and how they came to be residing in our once quiet community. I think Joe is spot-on with the ECI theory.

  34. 8:06 Stop being so lazy and do it yourself. joe is busy.

  35. Anonymous Anonymous said...
    Please consider exposing other local towns who hide info.

    March 2, 2017 at 8:02 AM

    that would be ALL of them.

  36. Joe, i would assume the many thousands of new appartments going up all around Salisbury are not for the growing economy but for Baltimore transplants and eci releases. Have you heard anything?

  37. The old parking lots by Brew River and close to the library are to be Section 8 housing for the Prisoner families from ECI per Mayor Fake Jay....Better get them fired.....Day fired, Lewis fired, Duncan Fired....do not re elect them...

  38. I would hate to be a business owner downtown because it's about to be over.


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