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Friday, March 17, 2017

14% of Community College Students are Homeless

Half of community college students struggle to find housing and healthy food.

Community college students have difficulty fulfilling their basic needs.

Roughly half of students at 70 community colleges across the country face housing challenges, like obstacles paying rent or utilities regularly or needing to move frequently, a survey published Wednesday found. About two-in-three students have difficulty regularly accessing healthy food, according to the survey, published by the Wisconsin Hope Lab, a research organization focused on college affordability and the Association of Community College Trustees. And roughly 14% of students are homeless, the study found.

Despite stereotypes that say college students will choose to party or buy clothes over necessities,” the survey shows that students are choosing to pay for school, even in cases where they can’t afford to have a roof over their heads, said Sara Goldrick-Rab, a professor of higher education at Temple University and one of the authors of the study. (The survey queried more than 33,000 community college students at 70 schools in 24 states.)



  1. One of my old professors in TN lived in the woods during his college years. He would shower and clean up on campus. Weather must have been nice enough to stay outdoors all year. He was a bit of a mountain man lol

  2. If they cannot put food on their table or cannot put a roof over their head who is paying for their school, books, transportation etc. how about this go get a trade job and find a house instead of wasting time in a classroom. and please don't lecture me about they need the college education to find a good job that is horse hockey

    1. Comuintly college offers trade jobs example nursing, law enforcement, physical therapist tech, X-ray technician etc. personal loans are paying for it until you graduate pass your licensing test pay the fees get hired and apply your trade. Two years your flushed up.

  3. I know of some here in Salisbury who live in their cars and have a health club membership so they can take a shower. Some stay in a cheap motel 2 or three days a week and live in their cars the rest of the week. Some rent a storage locker and will sleep in there as well. I help the homeless at my church. I hear these stories on how they manage to survive. The homeless problem is worse than most people realize.

  4. I will concur. My kids barely make enough to get by. If not for us, there's no way in Hell they would be able to afford it.

  5. Is this why Wicomico County is giving away free tuition at WOR-WIC and we the Tax Payer cannot or barely afford to send our own siblings to college. Growing up I had to earn my way and at times working 2 & 3 jobs while achieving my goals. It is all in how bad you want something. These new generations always want something for nothing / we are owed everything.

  6. It's amazing how people rant over people who are trying to have better lives. The U.S. maybe an American Dream, but we have the most racist and insensitive people that I have ever seen. When I read an article, regardless of the topic someone makes an off the wall racist or bigotry comment. It's sad to see such small minded people!!! If you are that unhappy or know so much then make difference or crawl back under a rock. Healthcare, afforded living, and education should be something that every American has access to. I never hear anyone complain about the salaries of our Congressman or the many vacations that they take per year!!! Grow up!!!


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