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Monday, March 27, 2017

10 Staggering Photos Of An Abandoned Mansion Hiding In Delaware

The Jehu Reed house is hidden in plan sight, right at the intersection of Bowers Beach Rd and Route One (Bay Rd) in Little Heaven, Delaware. This landmark and historic building is often overlooked by people who pass it, whether they drive by daily or just once a year for vacation. The house itself has a rich history and, very unfortunately, is facing imminent demolition.

The Jehu Reed House is on the National Registry of Historic Places, and when the bulldozers move in, we’ll be losing yet another piece of the First State’s incredible history. Luckily, several Delaware photographers have recognized the significance of the house, and in an effort to preserve its history, have extensively photographed the mansion and its grounds.

The property where the house now stands belonged to the related Newell-Sipple-Reed families beginning in 1685. 



  1. Just an eye sore now.

  2. SBY will look like that in a decade or two.

  3. Bulldoze it. The building will still stand in public records, just like most historic buildings that have stood before. Nothing lasts forever. Most new homes built today are of poor quality and will be gone in less than 100 years. My own home is only guaranteed for 70 years. I'll be dead before it's expiration date.

  4. Sad that grants can't be obtained to restore this mansion but we had plenty of dough to send to Iran so they can enrich their nukes and fund terrorists to kill us.


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