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Tuesday, February 07, 2017

You won’t believe who has their dirty money in Facebook’s “Fake News” censorship program

This is very bad news for bloggers and for freedom of speech. I have been worried about Facebook for some time as I keep hearing scuttlebutt that they are going to weed out fake news. But who decides what is fake? It smacks of censorship and sure enough, that is what is coming. It has already started in Germany. Correctiv is a supposed ‘fake news’ censor that is working with Facebook in Germany. The problem is, it is funded by groups directly linked to that old spider, George Soros and it is staffed by devout leftists. I have sincere doubts they will remain unbiased and objective.

Germany is a testing ground for this. I am positive that this same service will be applied here in the US with a chilling effect on news and the free flow of information. Leftist journalists comprise the ranks of Correctiv. Maybe not so ironically, it is leftist journalists in the first place that promote fake news. €114,000 has been donated by the Dutch organization The Adessium Foundation which works on climate change and environmental issues and is openly funded by George Soros’ Open Society Foundation. Soros’ Open Society Foundation has also given €26,884 directly to Correctiv. He’s managed to get his corrupt mitts on Facebook, so he can manage news and information. If that becomes the case in the US, Facebook will fall.


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