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Tuesday, February 07, 2017

Leftists planning nationwide action against Trump, don’t realize most people are laughing at it

So very lame. Activists are calling for people to not work or buy anything on February 17th in an effort to bring President Trump down. They’ve done this before against other conservatives and it never, ever works. It’s pathetic. So? What are they going to do? Not buy clothes or lattes and then take a four-day holiday instead of a three-day one? Any excuse to get out of work, school, whatever. This is a ridiculous protest and I predict it will fall flat spectacularly.

You honestly think this would create enough disruption to change the system? Are you lobotomized? Geez. And it should be of no surprise that this nutty idea came from a leftist British publication, The Guardian. If they think this will make their so-called political and economic power felt in DC, they are truly delusional. I guess this stupidity is trending on Twitter under the hashtag #NationalStrike. How very Workers World Party… how very communist.


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