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Sunday, February 19, 2017

Yes, There Are Some Pussy Hats In Salisbury

The Liberals claimed they'd have 295 people attending, that was a LIE. There are a TON more Trump supporters at this event. THANK YOU Republicans! What an awesome sight!


  1. how could anybody wear those 4 inch high heels to a rally?

  2. It's been a long, cold Winter. Everybody needs to get outdoors today.....

  3. Most local democrats feel Molly and her type have caused major destruction to the democratic party.

  4. Molly talked about improving the world. She needs to improve herself before she can ever attempt to improve anything else.
    She has proven she is a bold faced liar and being a liar and lying never improves anything.

    1. Need to improve those crazy woolly bear caterpillar eyebrows too. Every time I see a picture of her I want to take some tweezers to them.

  5. Were people turned away bc there was no 🍦🍡🍭🍿🍫🌭🌯🌮🍕🍔🍟 Food?

  6. Third Friday should've had holdovers. People too drunk to drive from last night. What's happening here? Looks like a pretty thin crowd.

  7. Joe the snowflakes are claiming victory....we need some pics of the truth..either way...

  8. Seems nice and peaceful.

  9. Who is the clown with the sign saying he is the grandson of immigrants. So am I, but I am not the grandson of illegal aliens!

    The issue isn't immigrants, the issue is vetting terrorists.

  10. No human being is illegal? What planet does that idiot live on. I love these dumbass slogans these morons try to come up with to look relevant.

  11. hey 128 ireton always wears 4 inch heels

  12. Islam is Peace ???? Maybe they should spend some time in the Middle East ..Idiots !!!

  13. Give me your tired and poor LEGAL, LEGAL, LEGAL immigrants yearning to be free.

  14. Did Ireton have his on??????

  15. Both groups are equally ridiculous.

  16. LOL I could 1:28. But I'm used to heels.

  17. 1:59, I would think so, this was their event. Just as I have stated from the very beginning, let them blow off steam. They rallied together and held a peaceful events and that's awesome.

    I'm extremely pleased the Pro Trump people kept their cool. This sets an incredible example of how AMERICANS should act/behave.

    While we may not agree with their values and beliefs, they have every right to express their opinions just as we do.

    That being said, my hat is tipped to ALL of you who attended.

    I spent my day detailing my Harley, washing several of my vehicles, planting flowers and preparing our bonfire for all my friends this evening. Hope all of you had just as rewarding day as I've had. Tomorrow is Family Day on the Boardwalk.


  18. At least it was peaceful on both sides and that is the way it should be.

  19. Besides lacking any sense they evidently can't count!

  20. Joe! I said about the same thing to reporter .I said I voted for Trump and I don't hate anyone,also i said the msm always leaves the illegal part out of illegal aliens.We can have different opions but still respect each others right to their opinion

  21. I don't trust any liberal.

  22. Here is the difference, the msm tried to destroy people when the t party crowd did this. Obama weaponized government in the form of the irs to harm t party people. T party people were audited by the irs. One t party farmer had surprise inspections from state government cronies.

    These anti trump folks have the blessing of the msm.

    Question, should Trump weaponize government the way Obama did?


  23. Boardwalk was packed today fry line was down past the bathrooms in front of playland.

  24. Joe, Glad you had a good day.

    "Any man more right than his neighbor, constitutes a majority of one." HDT

  25. How can any of you go to OC and spend money in places with all those foreign workers? Mostly russians but at least most of the women are cute.

  26. if you know anyone who is sympathetic to muslims and illegals, I would suggest you keep a wary eye on them as well. just as a friendly dog will bring fleas into your house, these snowflakes will bring throat cutters into our country.

  27. Thank you Magical Molly for bringing out so many Trump supporters. I haven't seen that many Trump supporters since his visit to Berlin last summer.

  28. God also talks about obeying the laws

  29. I hope someone took names and contact information so a refugee family can be delivered to them when they get here. Let them feed, clothe, house, educate and provide medical care for them. It's only right since they fight so hard for them to be here.

  30. @1042, Matt. 22:34-40, somebody asks God himself about following laws. His answer is surprising.


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