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Sunday, February 19, 2017

From The Delmar Pizza Facebook Page: STOP Telling Us It's Not True!

We will be closed today.

Due to the “Day Without Immigrants protest” being held nationwide we are regretfully informing our customers that we are forced to close today . We apologize for any inconvenience this may cause and we appreciate your long standing patronage. We will be reopening for normal hours of operation tomorrow.


  1. the place is nasty.

  2. Lets try a year without illegals. Then 2 years. Then 3

  3. lets call this a day without my business.

    Maybe I will rethink doing business with you when you shut down for this nonsense.

  4. Anyone who is closed today, boycott tomorrow. The hire illegals!

  5. They will be sorry they caved into this pressure instead of just firing the non sick workers. Unfortunately their business will suffer because easternshore people have values and believe in the USA!!!

  6. They now need to immediately FIRE all those who failed to report to work. Let No Ban No Wall supporters hire them!

  7. send em back and build that wall

  8. If I know of a business that closes because of this I would never go there.

  9. I have a problem not with immigrants, but with illegal immigrants. If Delmar Pizza was closed because of the employees who are illegal - they need to be closed permanently!!!

  10. up until today we dined there several times a week. No more

  11. The illegals that work at Delmar pizza as cooks only make $4.50 per hour under the table that's less than minimum-wage no wonder they keep them

  12. #boycottdelmarpizza

  13. Forced to close? What a load. Done with Delmar Pizza.

  14. Their employee's didn't show up for work so it's not totally their fault but they should be fired. If they are willing to walk out of work to demand illegal immigration they will spit in your food when they do work.

  15. They won't get my business, and then they'll be forced to lay off illegal immigrants!

  16. La Tolteca is open. No more Delmar Pizza!

  17. We will never eat there again.

  18. Send them all back if there not legal

  19. LaTolteca yes, Delmar Pizza no!


  20. "Anonymous said...

    Their employee's didn't show up for work so it's not totally their fault but they should be fired. If they are willing to walk out of work to demand illegal immigration they will spit in your food when they do work.

    February 16, 2017 at 5:47 PM"

    Agreed! If they are willing to try and hurt their employers and try and hurt the American economy they are NOT our friends!

  21. as far as I am concerned now, you ARE closed, for good!

  22. So, no immigrants today, huh?

    The electricity is still on.
    The internet is still running.
    Police & firefighters are on the job.
    Hospitals are open.
    Government is running (as well as it ever does, anyway).
    The mail came, phones rang, banks shoved money around.

    Whatever point they were trying to make, I think it flopped.

  23. Try hiring some Americans, Delmar Pizza.

  24. Try getting a lazy american to wash dishes for minimum wages. They won't even work in OC at the summer jobs.

    1. Why should they when a non tax paying illegal can work tax free make more than a born American and still suck up public assistance matter of fact working American s public assistance is being cut to aid all these illegals u see n wal mart having a gang of babies hoping that will keep em here. Matter of fact pay people decent wages and they ll definitely work. It doesnt hurt illegals to work for little because no taxes are being deducted


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