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Saturday, February 18, 2017

Wisconsin students group demands free tuition for black students

The student government at the University of Wisconsin-Madison said on Wednesday that black students should be offered free tuition and housing because blacks were legally barred from education during slavery and university remains out of reach for black students today.

The Associated Students of Madison said in a resolution that suburban high school students are over-represented. The group said consideration of ACT and SAT scores in applications upholds "white supremacy" because it restricts opportunities for the poor.

The resolution demands free tuition, free housing and no fees for all black people, including former inmates.

The proposal calls for 10 percent of donations from the college to bolster financial aid and study the feasibility of test-optional and geographically weighted admissions.



  1. Idiots. Let them pay for the blacks tuition out of their own pockets.

  2. This is what the Left Wing Nut Lame Stream Media is teaching our young. This is what the public schools have done indoctrinating our youth. They did not teach History so these kids have no clue how well blacks have had it in this country. Believe it or not being a slave was better in this country than being a slave running around in the jungles. Government entitlement programs have spent billions of dollars on blacks over the years. The United Negro College Fund has been raising money for blacks even though they have been getting grants and financial aid for years. Blacks have been recruited to play sports and getting full rides. These full ride have led to being drafted. Blacks are not being held back or discriminated against, whites are!

  3. The truly funny/sad thing is that these buffoons don't see this as racism.

  4. Based on what I have seen working at a local college blacks already get a free ride with federal Pell grants. They get thousands, then take a few classes resulting in cash refunds to use for living expenses.

  5. I wonder if a DNA check showing a 1% African descent is enough to qualify for Black benefits...? Works for American Indians.

  6. we gave them 8 years of obama and you see how that worked out. Think I'll pass

  7. Why not? They get everything else free

  8. Isn't that discrimination?


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