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Saturday, February 18, 2017

Looks Like The Anti Trump Turnout Will Be A Flop, Pro Trump Supporters Have Arrived


  1. It would seem it is too warm for snow(flakes)


  2. The anti Trump rally will be a flop. They don't even have the support of local democratic clubs because the clubs realize just how destructive those like Molly have been to the party.
    Those in support of President Trump have the local Republican clubs fully behind him and they have a better ground game and organizational skills then the little band of misfits.

  3. Too, too funny.

    I just drove by them about 8 minutes ago and there was a dozen and a 1/2 people there. There are more starting quarterbacks in the NFL then there were the Mollies of the world in Salisbury and this was around 12:40 pm.

  4. LOL When no one shows they are going to blame it on those who support President Trump saying people were afraid to come because of some imagined veiled threats. I know exactly how they operate and when it flops they will try and play the blame game instead of admitting and owning that very few people agree with and approve of their actions.

  5. I am going to walk up to Jackie Wellfonder and ask to meet this "college student from out of state" she claims "who when heard of the "hateful vitriol being spread" is coming to their rally.

  6. "Katie Turner
    23 mins ·

    The weather is great and the environment is optimistic and peaceful. Come on over!"

    They've been reduced to begging people to show up now.

  7. What the Hell is a B-2??

    Looks like that Salisbury Ambulance has been wrecked!

  8. Looks like a HUGE crowd to me.

  9. did Jackie even show up today? or was she busy getting her drink on?

  10. "Protest" all you want, crybabies. It won't change a damn thing.

  11. @7:07pm Jackie showed up and stood in the back of the crowd of her new found friends. She was confused where to go, back to the Trump supporters or stand with the liberals. She couldn't get a paying job in Republican politics so she is now siding with the Democrats in hopes of getting hired by one of them. She wants to be the next Chuck Cook in the local Dem party.


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