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Sunday, February 05, 2017

Trayvon Martin’s parents considering run for political office, report says

MIAMI GARDENS, Fla. — Trayvon Martin's parents aren't convinced much progress has been made on racial justice since the Florida teenager was killed five years ago in a shooting that helped fuel the Black Lives Matter movement, but they say at least his death reignited a national conversation about it.

Now they fear President Trump will reverse whatever has been accomplished. Both are considering running for political office to "be part of the change" they say the nation needs.

"Since Trayvon's death, we saw how divided the country is on these issues and we saw how the country can come together," Tracy Martin, Trayvon's father, told Capital Download. "You have those that are for uniting the country and you have those that want to be apart. And what this new presidency does, it takes those that want to be apart and it puts them right in the position where they can say, 'We'll change the laws, and we'll make it tougher.'"

He worries that the new administration will make it easier for law enforcement officials and citizens to justify violence against minorities on the grounds they felt their safety was imperiled. ​At his trial for shooting Trayvon, George Zimmerman argued he felt threatened by the 17-year-old, whom he had followed in his car and then on foot.



  1. they could not raise their child so they want to run for office????

  2. So, NOW they're together?? Might have helped a few years ago.
    They're worried about race relations. The problem is that there are not enough 2 parent households in black neighborhoods. That one thing will solve most of the problems in black neighborhoods.
    Our welfare system, (which you probably took advantage of) for way too many years, encouraged the single parent households.
    So, Mr. and Mrs. Martin (oh that's right, Ms. Fulton), stop pointing fingers. Look closer to home. Zimmerman wasn't the issue. You and your son were the problem and you are the reason he got shot.

  3. "Parents" now thats funny.

  4. Waste of time and money. Travon was drug user and a thief. He refused to obey the laws of our Country. Sorry for anyone's loss, however, we all have to live responsible lives.

  5. 11:41 that is a national trend not just in the black communities or haven't you noticed? How many of your friends or family members are divorced, 2nd, 3rd or 4thmarriages, or just plain shacked up... oh and the welfare system.. I work in that and trust me there are more Caucasians than black getting assistance.. enough said.

    11:52 how many of your family members or extended family members or friends have or currently use or have used heroin? cocaine? meth?

    I am definitely not saying they should or shouldn't but look at our so -called Mayor and the City of Salisbury Chief of Police. WE (Salisbury residents) need something different here too..

  6. What are they running for first? Maybe dog catcher would be a good start, then they could start with obama.

  7. 15 milli-seconds of fame have VANISHED!

    Thankfully that was quick - good day!


  8. They did so well at raising children why not let them be responsible for yours...LOL

  9. Still better than Sharpton, Jackson or Lewis.

  10. So they can Incite Riots.

  11. Dog-catcher would be fitting.

  12. Great, more idiots in politics!

  13. 12:38 your acceptance is part of the problem. My wife and I, my friends and family are still together and no one in my family is addicted to drugs. Not sure what circles you travel in.
    When the preacher said "for better or worse, richer or poorer" our vows were our word. We taught our kids NOT to even try drugs. I threatened them with bodily harm if they did and took it one step further- I told them to tell me who offered them drugs and I would take care of it. To this day, they listened because THEY HAD 2 GOOD PARENTS WHO STAYED TOGETHER AND LOVED THEM AND RAISED THEM TO DO THE RIGHT THING. It's not rocket-science.
    I guess that's why I still get to preach what I practice.

    1. 12:38 was making a general statement. So glad your family and circle of friends haven't been affected by drugs. However, other families are affected and it's not always about bad parenting. It's called choices and sometimes the best parents can raise decent kids but once they get out on their own, things change. I've seen it in the best of families/friends, so don't speak too soon. And yes, you can threaten all you want but again, it comes back to choice, people have their own minds.

  14. The way I remember things his parents were unfit to raise their own son so why would anyone vote for them or give them a shot at a public office --truth is they want to reclaim another 15 minutes of fame and attention.


  15. Why are folks dissing them? They're shoo-ins to win Parents of the Year!

    Their drug using, thief son had been suspended from school. He was 300 miles from home while suspended hanging out at dad's girl friend's residence when he made his final convenience store run.

    Their ineptitude as parents laid the foundation for his demise.


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