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Sunday, February 05, 2017

Americans Eyeing Move to Canada Surges by 40 Percent

More and more Americans are inquiring about moving to Canada since the election of Donald Trump as the nation’s 45th president, The Economist reports.

Royal LePage, Canada's largest realtor told the magazine the number of Americans looking at homes on its website increased a 40 percent in the last three months of 2016, compared with the same period a year earlier.

As well, applications from American students who want to enroll at Canadian universities have also gone up with some schools report increases of up to 80 percent.

But the process can take time and money.

"The days of packing your bags and just moving to Canada are long gone. Americans wishing to emigrate to Canada … are all subject to a points system which is blind to race, color, creed and country of origin," The Economist says.



  1. Take the terrorists with you snowflakes.

  2. Let me see Canada can put major restrictions on who comes to their country and no one protests but the good old USA puts some restrictions on coming and all the liberals get their panties in an uproar. Man the world is going to hell in a hurry. I see it now BO is the anti-christ and his next move will be to become the secretary general of the UN.

  3. Yay! Go away and take Obama with you !!

  4. Excellent!! I will help you pack

  5. Bye Bye Whoppi, Cher, Rosie, and Barbara!!! You four can pay for others to follow you!!!

  6. Why not move to Mexico? Racist! Liberals.

  7. Notice not one ever mentioned moving South where all these 'wonderful' immigrants are pouring over our border illegally!

  8. Good . They were not real Americans . When the going gets tough real Americans dig in.

  9. We were considering this if Hillary had won.

  10. Ya All can GOOOOOOOO !! All Demon-crats !!

  11. Pelosi and Shumer along with Cummings and the rest !

  12. Take all the Dems with you. AMF

  13. Take all the Celebrities too ...sick of them !!!


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