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Thursday, February 02, 2017

They’re BAAACK: Hillary, Chelsea Fire Back At Trump’s Executive Orders

Unable to resist the temptation to seek the limelight once again, despite the humiliation of losing an election she was widely expected to win, Hillary has returnedto slamming President Trump for his executive order dealing with immigration from Muslim-majority countries. But this time, Hillary is being joined by her daughter Chelsea, whose enormous knowledge of political affairs runs the gamut, as Dorothy Parker would say, from A to B.
On Saturday, Hillary took to Twitter to express her support for those protesting against the executive order:
Who “we” are according to Clinton seems pretty clear after her tweets following the feminists’ Women’s March:


  1. Mancy Polosi just called steve bannon a WHITE SUPREMIST her ass needs to resign.

  2. I see the "Like" box for the article? Where is the "Hate" box? Thank you.

  3. Go away, Hillary. And take your horse-faced, know-nothing daughter and the thing you call a husband with you.


  4. If she becomes busy enough plotting her defense of her email server, etc, etc she won't have time to tweet anything to anyone.

    Once the new AG is seated and has proper staff in place it will be time to lower the boom on her.

  5. Isn't it fun watching these losers squirm and cry?

  6. Democrats are terrorists.

  7. Hillary, just shut the **** up!


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