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Thursday, February 02, 2017

100 Nights Of Lights Special Event Proposed For OC Next Summer

OCEAN CITY — The night sky over Ocean City could be in for a major change this summer if a proposed 100 Nights of Lights free special event series pitched to the Mayor and Council this week is approved.

TEAM Productions, which produces many of the value-added special events throughout the summer including the weekly fireworks and laser shows, along with the OCToberfest event each fall, pitched a new idea to the Mayor and Council on Tuesday that would clearly ramp up the free weekly offerings to visitors and residents.

TEAM Productions’ Bob Rothermel and his son Jonathan on Tuesday presented an overview of last summer’s free special events and a plan to expand on the weekly offerings in the summer of 2017 including an added date for the highly successful Sundaes in the Park in mid-June.



  1. Complete silliness. I wish there was actually less light pollution coming from Ocean City. The night sky and stars are enough for me!

  2. Looks like rainbow lights I think they're at the wrong beach.

  3. So now lasers are going to be okay?


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