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Wednesday, February 15, 2017

Subject: Asra Nomani: Voting for Trump as a Muslim Immigrant Revealed ‘Intolerance of the Tolerance-Loving Left’

On Tuesday’s Breitbart News Daily, former Georgetown Professor Asra Nomani recalled the intolerant reaction of fellow liberal academics after she voted for Donald Trump in the 2016 election.

Nomani went public with her voting decision in a Washington Post op-ed. She explained she was a “51-year-old, a Muslim, an immigrant woman ‘of color’” who became a “silent voter for Donald Trump,” and she made it clear she was not motivated by bigotry or a desire for “white supremacism.” Her stated reasons for voting for Trump included the damaging effects of Obamacare and concern about the rise of Islamist extremism worldwide.

She was immediately accused of bigotry and facilitating white supremacism after publishing her article, with one former colleague insulting her as a “clueless dolt” and questioning her humanity.

“You all were kind enough to write a piece from my experience since my election vote, in which a former colleague at Georgetown University, a professor in the Department of Peace and Security Studies, told me to ‘eff off and go to hell’ because of my vote,” she recalled.

“It became a window for me into not just my dynamics with this one individual, but this phenomena that you’re talking about, of the intolerance of the tolerance-loving Left. I was just shocked,” Nomani told SiriusXM host Alex Marlow.



  1. A lot of Trump supporters found themselves in the same situation.

    Thankful that the ballot box is a private place! More thankful that people actually used that to act in the best interest of the country!

  2. The truth we all know, the left are looney.

  3. The Left is very tolerant, as long as you agree with them!

  4. The Liberal movement has been hijacked by faux Liberals interested only in disruption at the behest of those in the shadows.

  5. The intolerant, riotous liberals who are causing property damage and physical injury to others, along with insulting those who don't think as they do, are only causing more opposition to their cause and will result in more Democrats losing seats in 2018. People are finally waking up and seeing what the liberals are all about and don't want any part of it.

  6. I look at the current insanity going on in this country and I thank god that he gave us Donald Trump because any other candidate that ran on the Republican Ticket could not handle this barrage. I hope and pray every day that Donald has the stamina to do what he has said he would do.


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