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Wednesday, February 15, 2017

Liberal Frenzy: 'Impeach' Trump; 'Traitor! Resign by Morning'

Liberal activists, stung by their election loss, have been angling to get rid of President Trump since the day he took office.

Some of them are now seizing on the resignation of National Security Director Michael Flynn as the scandal they need to topple Trump -- or more of his top advisers.

In his resignation letter, Flynn wrote, “because of the fast pace of events, I inadvertently briefed the Vice President-Elect and others with incomplete information regarding my phone calls with the Russian Ambassador.” Flynn reportedly did discuss sanctions with the Russian ambassador, but he didn't tell that to Vice President Pence, who denied it on national television.

In a series of furious tweets early Tuesday morning, film-maker Michael Moore, the epitome of the angry liberal, called both Flynn and Trump traitors, demanding either Trump's impeachment or resignation -- whichever comes first, presumably.

Around the same time, two congressional Democrats, expressing shock and dismay, are demanding a "full classified briefing by all relevant agencies," including the FBI and the Justice Department, to find out who authorized Flynn's conversations with the Russians, who "permitted them," and who "continued to let him have access to our most sensitive national security information despite knowing these risks."

"We need to know who else within the White House is a current and ongoing risk to our national security," Rep. John Conyers (D-Mich.), ranking member on the House Judiciary Committee, and Rep. Elijah E. Cummings (D-Md.), ranking member on the House Committee on Oversight and Government Reform, said in statement.

Here's an indication of where the left goes from here, as illustrated by Moore's tweets and the Democrats' call for an investigation.


  1. Liberals and leftists calling for impeachment is comical. The only ones that can bring charges of impeachment are the House of Representatives, and the only ones that can vote to remove a president from office are the Senators. Both houses of Congress are controlled by the Republican Party. There is zero chance that they will indict, or remove from office, a sitting Republican president. All that talk about impeachment is delusional thinking. Get real. The leftists still don't realize, and are in total denial, that the voters have removed them from power in this country.

  2. Funny how indignant Cummings is over this stuff but when it was Hillary in the barrel, "nothing to see here". Hypocrites all.


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