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Monday, February 13, 2017

Study Proves Judges Wrong — 72 Convicted Terrorists Have Come From Travel-Ban Countries

At least 72 convicted terrorists since 9/11 have come from the seven countries affected by the Trump administration’s travel ban, according to a new study by the Center for Immigration Studies (CIS), which reviewed information compiled by a Senate subcommittee in 2016.

“A review of information compiled by a Senate committee in 2016 reveals that 72 individuals from the seven countries covered in President Trump’s vetting executive order have been convicted in terror cases since the 9/11 attacks,” writes CIS researcher Jessica Vaughn.

“These facts stand in stark contrast to the assertions by the Ninth Circuit judges who have blocked the president’s order on the basis that there is no evidence showing a risk to the United States in allowing aliens from these seven terror-associated countries to come in.”



  1. Democrats won't be happy until someone is killed.
    Then they will blame Trump.

  2. The question is how fo theae numbers compare to other countries. Critical thinking folks. Get some.


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