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Monday, February 13, 2017

Everything The Women’s March Movement Wants You To Believe About It Is A Lie

The worldwide event had very little to do with uniting and defending women—and everything to do with promoting a progressive, radicalized agenda.

In January, it was a march. In February, it’s become a movement: a developing, inelegant phenomenon quivering with the latent energy of a post-march high. The covers of Time and the New Yorker recently featured a certain cat-eared pink hat. Organizers have developed 10 action steps for the first 100 days.

At USA Today, author Heidi M. Przybyla argued that “The march’s biggest asset — that it was completely organic and grass-roots — is now its challenge going forward.” Nascent march group organizers in New Jersey are hoping their collective acts as a clearinghouse on reproductive rights, climate change, and a free press.

In a four-part series on the social science behind the Women’s March, the Washington Post asked whether a movement “embracing such wide-ranging goals — from protecting immigrants to stopping climate change, from racial justice and religious diversity to reproductive freedom — [can] channel its support into sustained political action.” The Post suggested that Marchers shared a “common elevating goal,” though really, they had none. The Post stabbed weakly at a unifying hatred of the new president as its cause célèbre.

As the pictures and footage surfaced, it became clear that the feminism of the Women’s March was a grotesque caricature of its origins.



  1. Anyone with common sense knew what they were doing, besides most of the idiots participating in the march. Many of those that did not get it were probably university professors!!

  2. The march was organized by a woman with ties to Hamas and a girl had her hair set on fire for wearing a Trump hat while crazy so called celebs called for murder while banning pro life supporting women.

  3. What women's march?

  4. Of course it's all lies. All democrats lie constantly. There isn't an honest democrat alive or even any dead ones as they were and still are all liars. Bad bad people.


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