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Sunday, February 05, 2017

Study: Md. Could Do More To Improve Highway Safety

BALTIMORE (WJZ) — Fatal vehicle accident continue to rise, including here in Maryland. In the last ten years, nearly six thousand people have been killed on state roads.

Nationally, fatal vehicle accidents claimed over 35,000 lives in 2015 — that’s seven percent more than 2014.

“This is the larget percentage increase in 50 years,” says Jacqueline Gillan with Advocates for Highway and Auto Safety.

The organization published a study that says most states aren’t doing enough to deal with it. State’s in green have the most safety laws, red states the fewest.



  1. With all the safety improvements in vehicles, the fact that so many fatalities happen clearly is a result of people not being able to drive or just plain old being dumber than they were 40 years ago.

  2. 6:54 PM

    absolutely. also when they took driver ed. out of high schools and went to paid driving schools I noticed a downturn in drivers abilities on the road. all new drivers will be on a learning curve but when you also have older drivers doing the road rage thing there is unnecessary carnage. Police are quick to stop someone for going a few miles over the limit but ignore other safety violations such as tailgating, impeding traffic, and other things. Heck I've even seen some cops do the same things.

  3. More people are being forced to commute longer distances taking any job they can do to the lack of jobs. More people driving stressed and tired makes more accidents. Of this part is left out of the study because insurance companies raise rates based on half truths...

  4. Increase the speed limit from 55 to 65 between Salisbury and Cambridge (OK we can slow down in Mardela Springs); Cambridge and Easton; and from Easton to the Bridge. People are too frequently slowing down for the 'Bronze' simply for speedtraps. The roads are built for it and the cars can handle it!


  5. All states have traffic laws in abundance; lack of laws is hardly the issue. So why are there more accidents, and more fatalities? What do you see and hear about locally?

    There are more cars on the road; all things being equal that will mean more accidents even if accidents per x miles driven declines.

    The use and abuse of cellphones by drivers grows year by year; we know taking your eyes off the road is deadly; talking while driving even using hands-free features lessens safety.

    There seem to be more impaired drivers, and more accidents with them. A while back our main concern was drinking and driving; that is still a big contributor but now compounded by drivers under the influence of everything under the sun.

    Cops have radios; they need to set a pristine example by avoiding use of their cellphones behind the wheel. Then they can influence drivers to do the same.

    The legislature has turned its eye from the dangers of drugged drivers in its greed to tax marijuana and spend those receipts. History, in the form of accident stats, won't be kind to their decision.

    1. Doctors wrote 600,000 Opiate Prescriptions daily
      .....there are lots of drivers using prescription drugs in excess

  6. It's 55 now and a_ _ holes drive 75, raise it to 65 and those same a_ _ holes will drive 85. It those a_ _ holes would only kill themselves driving that way, I'm all for it.

  7. It's not the speed. It's the distractions. We are doing everything but paying attention to driving. Texting is the number one distraction. Combine that with the idiots that drive ten feet from my rear bumper, and you have a lethal combination.
    If you're going to ride my ass, at least pull my hair!
    Seriously, I don't understand the logic of tailgating. And cops are the worst offenders. They should know better, since they respond to so many fender benders.

  8. Your ignorance is showing 8:12. Pot smokers have less accident stats. Big pharma druggies, acohocol, and cell phones are the major contributors.

  9. Instead of Speed Traps why not have the troopers sit in the median with the flashing lights on. In Virginia they sit on Rt 81 with Flashing Lights and drivers slow down. That is more effective than hiding behind the trees and trying to catch speeders only to issue a traffic fine!
    Troopers in Maryland are only concerned with revenue, not safe roads!


  10. Both 7:52 and 8:14 make some good points.

    Before Nixon chopped speed limits to 55 in the gas crisis the Ohio Pike was 75 and that was sort of a minimum; the PA Pike was 65. But those were limited access highways so nobody was pulling out from a side road or crossing the median.

    Even the most modest new cars are very capable today but we can't say that driver skills have improved at the same rate.

    I'm OK with the posted limits on the roads noted by 7:52 but use my discretion when traffic is light.

  11. driver behavior and ignoring safety rules and laws.

  12. 9:32 gets a lot of tickets, prayers sent.

  13. lower the speed limit! Saves lives & gasoline.

  14. Slower traffic keep right. Should be the #1 rule.

  15. 9:32. You are absolutely right. Speed traps are not for safety; they're for revenue. Ever noticed how more troopers set up radar near the end of the month? Gotta meet their quota.


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