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Sunday, February 05, 2017

Settlement Agreement with the U.S. Department of Justice and Wicomico's Commitment to Safe, Positive School Climate

Statement from Dr. Donna C. Hanlin, Wicomico Superintendent of Schools: Settlement Agreement with the U.S. Department of Justice and Wicomico's Commitment to Safe, Positive School Climate
Posted on 02/01/2017
Wicomico County Public Schools has been in negotiations with the Department of Justice based on its investigation into complaints about the district’s student discipline policies, specifically concerning alleged discriminatory suspension of black and Latino students and students with disabilities. The district and the Department of Justice signed off on a settlement agreement on Jan. 19, 2017. With this settlement, the district confirms its commitment to creating positive and inclusive learning environments in all Wicomico County Public Schools.

1. Wicomico County Public Schools has been working with the U.S. Department of Justice Civil Rights Division to ensure a safe and positive school climate for all Wicomico students.
The Department of Justice reportedly received complaints of alleged discrimination on the basis of race, ethnicity and disability in the school system’s disciplinary policies, practices, and procedures. In accordance with Department of Justice procedures, no specific information about complainants, timelines or alleged incidents was released to Wicomico Schools. Further, the Department of Justice clearly states that the settlement does not indicate an admission of liability or an admission of violation of the rights of any student. This is one of the many investigations the Department of Justice conducts throughout the country with individuals, businesses, agencies, school systems, and others.
Since becoming aware of the Department of Justice investigation in August 2015, the school system has cooperated by providing information on discipline data and on policies and procedures related to discipline. The settlement agreement outlines how the school system is upholding and will continue to uphold its responsibility to make its schools a safe and positive place to learn.

2. Wicomico Schools is committed to providing a safe and positive school climate for all students, with a focus on teaching and supporting positive behaviors while addressing and changing negative behaviors. Many of the tools or approaches outlined in the agreement are already in place, and will continue, such as:
PBIS: Each school has a point of contact for its Positive Behavioral Interventions & Supports (PBIS) program, or a similar behavior framework. The Assistant Superintendent for Student and Family Services serves as the District PBIS Director. The school system is working to review and strengthen its PBIS measures and practices.
Code of Conduct: The school system is working with a consultant to review our Code of Conduct to ensure alignment with the Maryland Guidelines for a State Code of Discipline. Consistent and effective application of the Code of Conduct and its progressive and restorative discipline practices is key to maintaining a safe, positive school environment in which students can learn and teachers can teach.
Professional development: The school system will continue to provide professional development in areas including PBIS or similar behavior framework, restorative practices, and behaviors related to disability and proper responses to those behaviors.
Staffing: Each school will continue to have a Student Services Team that meets to address student behavior and discipline issues. Schools, with support from school system staff, will provide specialized support services such as social work, nursing, counseling, academic support, teacher support, and psychological services.
School Resource Officers: Last summer Wicomico was one of several pilot sites for joint training of school resource officers and school administrators, through the Maryland Center for School Safety and Xero Associates. The cooperative and proactive work of SROs will continue in schools, and SROs and school administrators will continue to receive professional development in the roles and responsibilities of school resource officers.

3. Timeline: What happens next?
The settlement agreement was signed on Jan. 19 and took effect immediately. The agreement will remain in effect until June 30, 2019. During that time, the school system will report discipline and behavior data to the Department of Justice every six months.
Wicomico, along with all Maryland school systems, will be working in partnership with the Maryland State Department of Education to measure and address issues of disproportionality with regard to suspensions and expulsions. Maryland’s model for addressing disproportionality, including a number of resources created by the Maryland State Department of Education, will support the school system’s efforts to advance its work in fostering a safe and positive school climate.
Aside from the terms of the agreement with the Department of Justice, Wicomico Schools has included in its vision points the aspiration to be “a public school system committed to safe schools, created through a careful balance of clearly communicated and enforced expectations and an atmosphere where students know that teachers and administrators believe in them.” As a part of that vision, the Superintendent’s December school climate survey of students, staff and parents will provide important insights into the climate picture for each school, and will help guide specialized professional development for school staff.


  1. Dr. Hamlin is truly a fresh of fresh air for this county. She is developing a vision of trust within the school system and is open to listening to the outside. We need to support her and allow her to do her job. I can assure you, she is no Dr. Freddy!

  2. I know several educators that are resigning soon because of this. This is PC gone amok. The number of kids being disciplined must be proportionate to the population. So, if there is a group misbehaving, you have to punish other kids who haven't or not punish the first group at all.
    That's it in 40 words or less.
    Now you know why so many people are protesting Trump. He makes decisions using logic- you know, that thing that makes us different than other animals. Liberals base their decisions on how it might make you feel.

    1. Succinct and well stated comment. Funny though, this is the first I've heard about this, which I find curious...

  3. In a nut shell. We will allow the animals to run a muck. Now why where the African Americans suspended more because they are 80 percent the problem!

    1. Bingo!! Nothing to do with inequity or racism, it's just a fact.

  4. So does this mean to take discipline issues less serious.... It's been like that for years!!

  5. Who the F'n HELL got the U.S. Department of Justice involved in our Wicomico County Public Schoos System?? This is really screwed up!!

    1. Look to WiHi and the principal there!

    2. What in the H3ll does that mean? What does Brady have to do with this?

  6. Anonymous said...
    I know several educators that are resigning soon because of this. This is PC gone amok. The number of kids being disciplined must be proportionate to the population. So, if there is a group misbehaving, you have to punish other kids who haven't or not punish the first group at all.
    That's it in 40 words or less.
    Now you know why so many people are protesting Trump. He makes decisions using logic- you know, that thing that makes us different than other animals. Liberals base their decisions on how it might make you feel.

    February 1, 2017 at 3:33 PM

    BINGO!! That is what Mark Thompson's job is. To make sure that black kids are sent to the office or being punished. As if he has any expertise in that other than dropping the race card.

  7. Explains why they let the trouble makers run wild and free since 2015, signing a contract with the obama regime as their on the way out the door. The threatening trouble makers of color will be allowed to run amuck untouched {to keep the stats down} until 2019?

    Yeah..your really doin a bang up job...NOT

  8. And they're covering up attacks by minorities against other students at BMS

    1. A friend of mines son was attacked by 3 black males a Bennett middle school in the bathroom and broke his nose in 3 or 4 places. From what I am being told is that one of the students is wearing an ankle bracelet!! These thugs should not be allowed in school!!!! People need to wake up about black racism!!!

  9. Everyone is just afraid to do anything regarding discipline and respect. This is what you get, the department of justice. Problem Solved

  10. Friend of mine teaches at Wi-Hi. He/she states that they are encouraged to basically pass students on to the next grade whether or not they should be ready. It starts at home. The parents don't care so they send their little hellion into school where they misbehave and threaten students or staff. Why would a student with no ambition care if they were given a referral, suspended?

    1. I am a Wi Hi teacher. You are full of crap. We are not encouraged to do this. Students must earn the grade to earn the credit for the class.

  11. Well this had to be made before the Acting Department of Justice Head was fired by Trump... When Sessions get in there I expect change.

  12. This has Obama written all over it, damn I am glad he is gone.

  13. 4:35 Spend less time keeping up with the kardashians and dancing with the stars, you might be more informed about what is going on closer to home.

  14. What's really SAD is for those of you not on the inside track... you have no idea how bad it really is. I'm soooo embarrassed to even admit I work in these schools. I have seen teachers cry,admit they are on antidepressants and wish they could afford to quit. Not to mention how many are getting assaulted! I just hope as Trump cleans the swamp it will trickle down in our community and make things better. Remember these BAD KIDS are like turds" no matter how hard you Polish a turd it's still a turd". If they don't want to do right, get them the HELL away from the good kids! We need to invest in a bigger juvenile jail! The good people have had enough!!!!!!!! But that's right, we are going to hide even harder now that we have this agreement how bad it really is. If referrals go down and arrest go down in schools is it because things are better or are we hiding what's really going on? Such bullshit!

  15. I just learned tonight that an elem. school in Delmar releases children to anybody without any ID, just the name of the child to be picked up. This concerns us.

  16. I teach in a Wicomico County school. They have basically shut down (or seriously reduced) punishing students of color. If several teachers write up a student for bad behavior over several days the admin combine the referrals as one to bring the numbers down. Many teachers have just stopped trying to keep the peace due to the fact there is no backing by anyone. We are constantly being told that the numbers are down but we all know why. The powers that be are either stupid or they just don't care. What 6:04 and others said above about about assults, threats, crying, ankle bracelets everywhere is 100% true. The kids are making the rules and no one is doing anything about it. Many good young teachers are being chased away and many other good experienced teachers are at the end of their rope. I don't see it getting better anytime soon.

  17. This is down right criminal. You know full well all that bad behavior spreads to good kids like a virus. Let that behavior go unchecked till an entire generation is uncontrollable. Shame shame shame!!!

  18. yea lets worry about not offending someone but never mind the rights of those who are assaulted ....what about the punishment should fit crime ...that should never happen in the first place ...what one generation tolerates the next one accepts ........

  19. THESE Animals cannot be changed. We have dumbed down everything to give them an equal chance but nothing seems to work. You can't fix stupid. Until their parents and their filthy culture changes, nothing will change. This great social experiment has failed miserably. Just put 'em in a cage and throw the key away! They have no respect, honor or code. DON'T LIKE BEING SO TRUTHFUL BUT THE FACTS ILLUSTRATE THE TRUTH. STOP WITH ALL THE EXCUSES BECAUSE THEY NEED TO BE HELD RESPONSIBLE FOR THEIR FILTHY ANIMAL ACTIONS.

  20. I need to see the text of the agreement. Not your or the MSM version of the story around the meeting that was held about a paper that was written.

    Oh, we can't have that? Well, the MSM is defunct with this.

  21. Dear Readers,

    Without delving into the significant details of the DOJ 'intervening' in the WCBOE, please know that the school system must comply with the directives. The spin being put on this is just that as the administration at the central office has no say in this at all. If they do not comply with DOJ, very harsh penalties along with significant legal issues will be brought to bear. While it is certainly true that discipline in Wicomico has been an issue for many years, it is important to look at the PC culture inherent in our government and society.The comments from teachers regarding this topic (administrators lumping several issues together with regard to one student, thereby keeping numbers down) is nothing new. As evidence, I cite the following posted on this site from January 2012:


    Most Respectfully,


  22. A new department of justice and an elected board should help with this.

  23. DOJ threatened wicomico board of Ed and got what they wanted... We can't be afraid to go to court over what's right! Tides have changed! We would be supported in court.

  24. There's a new DOJ coming to town.

  25. Why do you think teachers unions are protesting Devoy? She is a proponent of school choice vouchers and they know if that becomes a reality,the only kids left in their schools will be the absolute worst which will threaten their bottom line when the government funding teat runs dry.


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